Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Some of the Holiday Baskets delivered to needy families in Burbank December 12, 2015
Around 550 families are enjoying some holiday cheer thanks to a huge effort by hundreds of volunteers in Burbank. Last Saturday from a staging area at George Washington Elementary School over on North Lincoln Street, weeks of food collection and donations culminated with the delivered of Holiday Baskets to eligible families with children.
Earlier this week at the Burbank City Council meeting, Janet Diel, president of the Burbank Coordinating Council, updated the community on the annual program. Most of the baskets, which are actually groups of bags, packages, boxes, stuffed with food items, toys, clothes, and gifts, have been delivered. Still, Diel says some late requests have come in, so “a few more” will soon be going out.
However, Diel repeated an urgent need for 150 bikes for some local children hoping to find one under the Christmas tree next week. If you can help with a new bicycle or one that can be given a second life with a little refurbishing, you are asked to call (818) 238-7647 or email ccholidaybaskets@aol.com .