Photo: FLLewis/Media City G -- Campaign signs for Bob Frutos and Emily Gabel-Luddy who are in a run-off for a seat on the Burbank City Council. The General Election is April 12, 2011
It’s not over for Burbank City Council candidates Bob Frutos and Emily Gabel-Luddy. They’re locked in a run-off for a seat on the city council. The voters will decide who gets that vacant seat next month on April 12, in the General Election.
Last week, Frutos picked up a surprise endorsement from newly re-elected council member, Gary Bric. Yesterday, Gabel-Luddy sent me an e-mail announcing she had received the endorsement of “… Jackie Waltman and the Burbank firefighters.”
Also on this blog, last Friday, I posted comments from Waltman indicating she would be supporting Gabel-Luddy in the General Election.
After receiving Gabel-Luddy’s endorsement announcement, I e-mailed her some questions and she returned the following responses:
What do you think these endorsements will mean to this final leg of your campaign? Also, in my Burbank campaign news post dated March 4, 2011, Jackie Waltman commented on the importance of having a female voice on the Burbank City Council. What are your feelings about this?
These are significant endorsements and I welcome the support of a community leader like Jackie Waltman, and our Firefighters who are a critical element in service to our community. I am proud to have received their endorsements. Yes, I believe it is very important to have women on the City Council; we are 51% of the population and all perspectives should be represented on the City Council. Anja, and Marsha did a great job on the Council and I hope to continue that tradition.
Also, are there other endorsement you would like to mention at this time? What about the endorsement of City Councilman Dave Golonski?
I value Dave Golonski’s support because of his long tenure on the council, his experience and extensive service to the community. His endorsement, in addition to the Sierra Club, the LA League of Conservation Voters, Burbank Managers Association, Congressman Adam Schiff, Congressman Brad Sherman, Assemblyman Mike Gatto, Past Burbank Mayors Ramos, Vander Borght and Wiggins demonstrated a broad consensus that I am best suited to serve on the Burbank City Council.
Also, you have been accused of missing 25 percent of the Burbank Planning Board meetings during the recent fiscal year? The Burbank City Council meets almost weekly — do you think you can handle that kind of responsibility?
I would not have filed for office if there were any question that I could not put my full attention to the Council duties. In the last year, as a working professional there were times when job obligations to my employer created unavoidable scheduling conflicts. I kept them to a minimum, but they occurred. I have since retired and do not see that as an issue.
Also, what are your views on urban planning as it relates to Burbank? There has been a discussion recently on one of the Burbank blogs about your views.
Since I have been on the Planning Board for a decade, my record is clear: I support appropriate development, compatible with neighborhoods and neighborhood protection.
Also, what is your reaction to the North Screenland Drive sidewalk controversy? Is there something you would have handled differently? What about the 4-1 vote in support of the sidewalks for the 1800-1900 section of North Screenland Drive?
One of my issues is the city needs a better public process: informing and listening to community concerns. Lack of that was amply demonstrated in North Screenland Drive sidewalk issue. Having said that, I commend Gary Bric for his openness to reconsider his original position in light of the prior and new information. His willing approach to consider new information is better than staking out a rigid position. That may sound good on the campaign trail, but is bad government.