Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Burbank City Manager, Mark Scott, during city council meeting November 16, 2015
More drama at city hall in Burbank. Late last night, City Manager, Mark Scott, sent out an email about his plans to retire to City Clerk, Zizette Mullins. After his threat to resign over a vote he did not like at last Monday’s city council meeting, Scott clarified his intentions. He told the Burbank Leader:”I am not resigning,” Scott said in an email Tuesday evening . “I am retiring. Have not picked a date.”
Below is the email Scott sent to the city clerk on Thursday night.
From: “Scott, Mark” <MScott@burbankca.gov
Date: November 19, 2015 at 9:35:45 PM PST
To: “Mullins, Zizette” <ZMullins@burbankca.gov
Subject: Fwd: Retirement
Here is the email requested in the PRA.
——– Original message ——–
From: “Scott, Mark” <MScott@burbankca.gov
Date: 11/17/2015 6:32 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: “Hess, Justin” <JHess@burbankca.gov, “Wilke, Judie” <JWilke@burbankca.gov, “LaChasse, Scott” <SLaChasse@burbankca.gov, “Lenahan, Thomas J.” <TLenahan@burbankca.gov, “Dolan, Betsy” <EDolan@burbankca.gov, “Potter, Melissa” <MMPotter@burbankca.gov, “Wilding, Christopher” <CWilding@burbankca.gov, “Davis, Ron” <RDavis@burbankca.gov, “Teaford, Bonnie” <BTeaford@burbankca.gov, “Giraldo, Cindy” <CGiraldo@burbankca.gov, “Hess, Justin” <JHess@burbankca.gov, “Sugars, Drew” <DSugars@burbankca.gov, “Thompson, Joyce” <JThompson@burbankca.gov, “Marotta, Sharon” <SMarotta@burbankca.gov, “Kramer, Lyndsey” <LKramer@burbankca.gov, “George, Sandra” <SGeorge@burbankca.gov, “Kramer, Bob” <BKramer@burbankca.gov
Subject: Retirement
Dear Teammates,
Just fyi, I am working on picking a retirement date. Not a lot to say, so please forgive the abruptness. I’d probably look at something after the first of the year. Meanwhile, I hope we can focus on the work at hand and I will do my best during whatever transition the City Council chooses to do. You all have kept this City running for a long time. Not much changes!
We have holidays to enjoy before I go, so let’s make sure we enjoy them this year.
The next move is up to the city council.