Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Burbank Police Department has launched a new website www.burbankpd.org
The Burbank Police Department has a new home on the Internet. Yesterday, a news release announced the launch of the BPD’s new website www.burbankpd.org .Two years in development, the site is packed with information in a user friendly format.
According to the release, the new site came about, “… in an effort to provide the community with greater access to the police department. .. Several members of the department worked closely with the web designer, Americaneagle.com, to create a vibrant and easy-to-use website, including features including features such as the ability to apply for film and alarm permits, commend an employee, register a complaint, and complete applications for our Community Academy classes.”
Well worth a visit. Check out the BPD’s new website here.