Burbank School Board candidate, Jesse “Tangk” Tangkhpanya, did not do well in yesterday’s Burbank primary. Tangk is a relative newcomer to Burbank with some impressive credentials. However, he finished last in a field of six candidates vying for three seats on the board. Still, the gracious concession post he put up on his Facebook page makes him a winner in my book.
Also, Tangk emailed me a copy of his concession post today and here it is.
The results are in, and the voters have spoken. I would like to extend congratulations to Roberta Grande Reynolds and Steve Ferguson. I’ve gotten to know all of the candidates during the course of this election and I can say without a doubt that both Reynolds and Ferguson are outstanding people who will both be a voice for students, employees and the community at large.
I am wishing the best of luck to Armond Aghakhanian and Greg Sousa in the April General Election.
I’d also like to thank Vahe Hovenessian who was eliminated in the primary along with me. His passion for the city of Burbank is clear and I look forward to working with him in the future.
This was my first run and I will always be grateful for my supporters. I will never forget your willingness to believe in me, and with your financial support I was able to inject my message of accountability and transparency in this race.
I look forward to staying involved in the Burbank Community.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Chris Rizzotti for City Council sign in a yard in the 1600 block of West Clark Avenue Burbank November 12, 2014
Burbank realtor and Planning Board Vice-Chair, Chris Rizzotti, ran a very expensive and aggressive campaign for city council and it paid off. In his newsletter sent out today, Rizzotti commented on the election results: ” No one candidate achieved enough votes to win in the primary, but 4 of us out of the 7 will go to the General Election. I’m happy to be 1 of the 4! ”

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Will Rogers for city council campaign sign posted in a yard on Hollywood Way in Burbank December 28, 2014
Also, moving on to the general in the city council race for two seats, former Burbank Leader columnist, Will Rogers, who went on Facebook to deliver thank- yous and to look ahead to the next election: ” What a stunner tonight, and there are so many voters and volunteers to thank! Now there’s just 7 weeks of more hard work between us and the honest, open City Hall we’re all looking toward. I will continue walking, I’ll continue going door-to-door, and I’ll continue to run the kind of campaign I’ve wanted to see from candidates for 25 years.” Read the rest of Rogers’ post here.