Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Sprinklers watered a yard in the 1400 block of West Clark Avenue in Burbank July 30, 2014
As the heat of summer approaches, Burbank residents are facing even tougher water restrictions. This evening the Burbank City Council will hold a hearing on tightening the restrictions in the city’s Sustainable Water Use Ordinance enacted back in 2009. Right now we’re at stage 11, which allows landscape irrigation for 15 minutes, per station, once a day, three times a week from April through October. The city council will be considering bumping that up to stage 111 , which would allow that type of outside watering only two days a week.
The city staff is recommending stage 111 kick in on June first. City officials are feeling the pressure from Governor Jerry Brown’s recent executive order on mandatory new water reductions. For Burbank that means a cutback of 28 percent — 7 percent has been reached. The governor’s order requires stiff penalties for those who do not comply.
The hearing begins at 6 p.m. in the city council chambers at Burbank City Hall 275 East Olive Avenue.