Photo: FLLLewis/Media City G — Two Luther Burbank Middle School students walk home from school on North Screenland Drive Burbank winter 2011
Those opposed to installing sidewalks on North Screenland Drive tend to be passionate and tenacious about their position. None more so than long-time resident and North Screenland Drive resident, Janet Strong. She’s a retired motion costume artist turned activist and occasional guest blogger on Media City Groove.

Photo: Janet Strong, North Screenland Drive resident, at a city council meeting in Burbank March 8, 2011
Here’s Strong’s opinion post, which appeared in “Community Views: Sidewalk rift, common decency, and the Burbank City Council” March 30, 2011 .
The City Council used to be the judge and jury of fairness for the Burbank community. The neighbors could ask for help with any concern. The council listened and with compassion addressed the issues of everyone fairly. Decisions were made by the council with intelligence. And, careful thought was given to what the people of Burbank needed. People who built this town. It was an honor to live here.
Unlike Today’s council — with self righteousness, personal opinions and lacking in professionalism. The March 08, 2011 council meeting shows the usual condescending attitude prevailed. The inappropriate behavior of the Mayor; laughing at Dr. Gordon standing up for the people of Burbank — showed disregard and disrespect for her fellow council member as well as the people she represents. This was a disgrace. Dr. Gordon is the only one on the council who takes his job seriously and works tirelessly on behalf of this community.
Also, implied in her (Mayor Anja Reinke’s) comments: Majority, majority, we will all be dead one day, we don’t own this street and we are suppose to do what city and government tell us to do. That certainly was out of line.
It seems now, the council can’t get rid of us fast enough. We can die, so the next group of people can move into the neighborhood and have a sidewalk to walk on. They are trying to speed up the process.
Burbank has always been a family oriented town, with parks and all the reasons people move here, including the best police and fire departments. There is speculation, the current council is trying to change this, and make it into a giant metropolis at taxpayers’ expense.
Gary Bric couldn’t wait to re-vote his change of position. Since the council meeting on December 07, 2010, he has been sitting on a hot poker. Not wanting to lose any voter support — saying : “This is about safety for children.” Why, is the safety issue on Jefferies ignored and the one on North Screenland Drive manufactured?
Saying he is sorry for dragging this out for three months, dragging the neighbors through this again, when he knows 90% of those neighbors object, is a cheap shot! He didn’t have to bring it back. What council wants, council gets.
Vice-Mayor Talamantes said: The city is his concern. Councilman Golonski again cast his vote for the forced installation of sidewalks.
It’s a sad day when neighbors have no voice or recourse and come home from council meetings hanging their heads, having been humiliated by four people, who disrupted their neighborhood and punished those residents –by forcing them to have their property destroyed and raising future taxes.