Thursday, June 5, 2014

UPDATED: Vintage license plates available now in California

The California DMV is offering something special for the drivers of vintage vehicles and they’re going fast. This week, the Department of Motor Vehicles began accepting applications for the California Legacy License Plate Program. Under the program, motorists who drive classic vehicles, from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, now will get a chance to purchase replicas of license plates issued […]
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Burbank Baskin-Robbins coupon confusion and scoop drama

The Baskin-Robbins at 1201 South Victory Boulevard in Burbank , the one with the drive through window, has been a favorite of the locals for ages. The ice cream is still yummy, but if you plan to try to redeem one of those Baskin-Robbins coupons at this location, beware of  scoop drama. I experienced it first hand last Sunday, June […]
Monday, June 2, 2014

Two new restaurants opening in Burbank today

Two new restaurants opening in Downtown Burbank today. Both are part of the growing trend in fast casual dining. Asian Box 116 East Palm Avenue, across from the AMC Theaters, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony and preview party last Friday, May 30. Burbank Vice-Mayor, Bob Frutos, was on hand to lead the ribbon-cutting event. Among the locals who dropped by to […]
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Los Angeles Clippers sold for $2 billion?

Another shocking development in the Los Angeles Clippers/Donald Sterling saga tonight.  ESPN is reporting there is now an agreement between the Sterling Family Trust and  billionaire businessman Steve Ballmer. The former CEO of Microsoft  apparently has won the bidding war for the Clippers with an offer of $2 billion. Yes, that’s billion with a “b”.  Ballmer is worth at least […]
Friday, May 23, 2014

New twist in Clippers drama: Wife to sell team

New twist in the Donald Sterling/Los Angeles Clippers drama. There are reports now that the embattled billionaire owner of the Clippers has had a change of mind about previous plans to fight the forced sale of the team. ESPN is reporting Sterling has agreed to allow his wife, Shelly, and her attorneys to negotiate a sale. Earlier this week, the […]
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

eBay hacked

Internet giant, eBay, is the latest victim of a massive cyber attack. The global marketplace company posted an announcement on its website today “…  asking all eBay users (both buyers and sellers) to change their passwords…” There reportedly are 145 million eBay users worldwide. The security breach apparently occurred sometime between “late February and early March” of 2014, but only detected two […]
Monday, May 19, 2014

NBA puts L.A. Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling on notice

  Today the NBA moved to strip embattled Los Angeles Clippers’ owner, Donald Sterling, of his team. The league put Sterling on notice of the charge against him and what he needs to do to respond, according to a news release issued this afternoon. Here’s what the release says about the charge against the 80 year-old billionaire: “The charge asserts that […]
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Free Cone Day at Haagen-Dazs shops

Sizzling temperatures expected in Burbank and most of the Southland today. The high in the Media City — at least 95. A perfect time to cool off with some free licks at Häagen-Dazs. Ice cream lovers look forward to this annual Free Cone Day. The event takes place at participating Häagen-Dazs stores from 4 p..m. to 8 p.m. Find a participating […]
Friday, May 9, 2014

Pizza Studio open for business in Burbank

The Pizza Studio is open for business in Burbank. Earlier in the week, the fast food restaurant announced its arrival at 3619 West Magnolia Boulevard by giving away free pizza! The pizza joint officially opened its doors yesterday in Magnolia Park, in the old Quiznos location, across the street from Porto’s Bakery and Cafe. Today, I dropped by around noon. […]
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Coke and Pepsi removing flame retardant chemical from drinks

   One person can make a difference. Coke and Pepsi are removing a flame retardant ingredient from their drinks in response to online petitions initiated by a Mississippi teenager. First, Sarah Kavanagh went after Pepsi for using BVO, brominated vegetable oil, in its Gatorade sports drink. BVO contains bromine, which is used in brominated flame retardant. Kavanagh’s petition got 200,000 signatures […]
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Review: Good eats at Big Mama’s and Papa’s Pizzeria in Burbank

To my surprise, we got some pretty good eats at Big Mama’s and Papa’s Pizzeria in Burbank. It’s hard to live up to the hype from the 2014 Academy Awards pizza delivery stunt and all that attention from the Ellen Degeneres Show. Nevertheless, we left this pizza joint full and satisfied after a quick-lunch last week. However, it almost did […]