Friday, May 2, 2014

Job fair in Burbank today

Job fair in Burbank today for a new restaurant opening in the downtown area. Tender Greens serves “… “fresh, healthy, chef-inspired, farmer’s market sensible dishes at an affordable price in a relaxed environment,” according to the company website. The eatery had been scheduled to open this summer at 325 North San Fernando Road. Now, it looks like the remodeling will […]
Monday, April 28, 2014

Updated:Several sponsors drop the L.A. Clippers in light of Sterling debacle

  UPDATED: By the end of the day, the list of major advertisers cutting ties with the Los Angeles Clippers had grown to more than a dozen — including heavyweights like Sprint, Burger King and Samsung. The L.A. Clippers should be focused on tomorrow’s crucial NBA play-off game against the San Francisco Warriors, but the Sterling controversy is a major […]
Friday, April 25, 2014

“Ladies Night Out” in Burbank returns tonight!

The popular “Ladies Night Out” in Burbank returns tonight. Three years ago, it began as a way to attract female shoppers. Now, it’s evolves into an event for everyone. Crowds are expected to pack the sidewalks and fill the participating shops along Magnolia Boulevard, from Hollywood Way to Florence Street and Hollywood Way to North Pass Avenue. Some stores not […]
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Controversial Hobby Lobby is opening a Burbank store

Controversial Hobby Lobby is opening a Burbank store in a few weeks. The giant retailer is renovating the site of the recently closed Orchard Supply Hardware at 641 North Victory Boulevard. The family owner company has more than 500 stores nationwide and claims to offer more than 60-thousand crafting and  home decor products. Also, Hobby Lobby admits to mingling the […]
Monday, April 21, 2014

Netflix price hike is coming soon

  Get ready. Netflix price hike is coming soon. The on-demand video streaming company plans to increase monthly rates as much as two dollars “later this quarter for new members only.” Current subscribers’ rates will remain the same for a” generous time period,” but they will be going up. The announcement was made  in a letter to shareholders released today. In […]
Monday, April 14, 2014

Disney’s “Frozen” Princess Elsa dress is a hot seller

Disney has a mega hit with the award-winning animated film, “Frozen.” Since its release last November, “Frozen,” has made over a billion dollars at the worldwide box office, according to Box Office Mojo. A few weeks ago, the film won the Oscar for best animated feature and best original song for “Let It Go.” Now, the studio has hit the […]
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Obama adminstration takes steps to get equal pay for women

   The debate over equal pay for women was going strong this week. Last Tuesday, April 8, was Equal Pay Day — that’s how far into the new year women must work to match what men earned the year before. Surprisingly, women make up nearly half  of the U.S. workforce, but only earn 77 cents for every dollar a man gets […]
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Universal Studios reveals more details of five year expansion plan for theme park

Universal Studios Hollywood has announced more details of an ambitious five-year expansion plan with “… revolutionary new thrill rides and expansive themed environments …” which reportedly will “radically alter the familiar footprint and landscape of The Entertainment Capital of L.A.” The expansion plan actually began in 2012 with “Transformers:  The Ride—3D “and will wrap up in 2016 with the Los […]
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Shout-out to Ben & Jerry’s. It’s Free Cone Day!

A shout-out to Ben & Jerry’s for celebrating its anniversary, April 8, with Free Cone Day. The free scoops were offered up by the ice cream company on its first anniversary back in 1979. “We’ve kept it up every year since, spreading the peace, love & ice cream around the globe,” according to a statement on the company’s website. This is […]
Sunday, April 6, 2014

JLo backed company buys Fuse network

Entertainer Jennifer Lopez is known for her work as a singer and actress. Lopez is also getting noticed for her behind the scenes business savvy. Lopez is the chief creative officer for Glendale-based company,  NUVOtv, which announced last Friday it will buy music-oriented Fuse network for $226 million. NUVOtv, an English language network aimed at Latinos, is seen in 23 million […]
Thursday, April 3, 2014

City of Burbank should lobby for next version of CBS “Late Show”

David Letterman’s unexpected retirement announcement today opens the door for some big changes for the next version of  “Late Show.” While some of the chatter is about potential hosts .. other discussions are about a change of location for the CBS late night talk show. Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti, reportedly has sent off a letter to CBS President, Les […]
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pizza Studio opening soon in Burbank

The Quizno’s sandwich fast food outlet near the intersection of West Magnolia Boulevard and North Hollywood Way in Burbank is getting new life as a Pizza Studio. This is a high-profile location, right across from the always busy Porto’s Bakery and Cafe. Despite the primo address, the Quizno’s had struggled for some time — you rarely saw more than one […]