Sewer pipe drama over

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Site of that sewer pipe rupture in the 500 block of South Beachwood Drive, Burbank November 7, 2010
Traffic and parking are back to normal in the 500 block of South Beachwood Drive in Burbank. I visited the site yesterday afternoon. The repair equipment was gone and the excavation site had been paved over. A very different scene from earlier this month, a few days after a pipe burst on Tuesday, November 2—spilling thousands of gallons of sewage into the street.

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — A sign restricting traffic in the 500 block of South Beachwood Drive, Burbank November 7, 2010
The results of an investigation are in. Public Works Director, Bonnie Teaford, explained in an e-mail why age of the pipe is not the suspected culprit: “We believe that the pipe may have been damaged slightly in this area when it was installed some 30 years ago. Over time, the damaged area corroded until it eventually failed.”
As a precaution, the rest of that sewer line and a couple of others in the area were videotaped and Teaford says, “they all look fine.” Teaford considers the pipe break, “an isolated problem.”
Bike Angel wish list
A special holiday toy collection is underway and it’s in need of a little help from some Earth angels. Last year, Burbank employee, Elaine Pease, started a program called Bike Angel, to provide refurbished bicycles to needy children during the holiday season. Ten lucky youngsters got their own set of wheels last year, thanks to this program and its volunteers.
So the collection is in full swing for used bicycles that can be fixed up and made spiffy for boys or girls, ages 10-to-17. They need accessories like helmets, bike chains, and locks, too. If you don’t have any spare children’s bikes — they could use some cash to buy new tires, seats, and other bicycle parts. And they need more volunteers!!
Burbank city employees have really stepped up for this program. This year, the Burbank Police Officers Association is throwing its support behind Bike Angel. Also, Lieutenant Eric Rosoff, Detective Brent Dyrness, and Officer Jeff Goenner have volunteered to be bike-fixer-upper guys.
There isn’t much time to donate. The deadline for the bicycles is Wednesday, November 24. If you can help, give Elaine Pease a call (818) 238-5286 or phone the Burbank Recycle Center at (818) 238-3900.
Week Two: Nomination period for Burbank’s 2011 Elections
Last Friday, I checked the list of the names of candidates who have pulled nomination papers for the two up-for-election seats on the Burbank City Council. No change. Planning Board Vice-Chair, Emily Gabel-Luddy and Police Commission Chair, Bob Frutos. The Primary Nominating Election is Tuesday, February 22, 2011 and the General Municipal Election is Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
The candidates have until Monday, November 29, 2010 at 5 p.m. to return the required documents to the Burbank City Clerk’s Office.
In light of the Bell salaries scandal, a lot of talk about what Burbank City Council members really pocket for doing their civic duty. More than you think, according to this recent post over on the blog Semichorus.