More car thefts and burglaries in Burbank
In the latest crime report from Burbank Police Officer Joshua Kendrick, only a handful of residential and business burglaries are listed for the past couple of weeks, the bad news — a lot of vehicle thefts and break-ins.
The report, released yesterday, mentioned some 21 vehicle crimes — all happened between November 11 and 21, 2011. During that time, thieves made-off with electronics, work tools, money, 3rd row seats, tailgates, and assorted other items. We’re heading into the holiday season when criminals hit store and shopping center parking lots with gusto. What can you do to minimize your chances of becoming a victim? Keep those packages and gifts out of sight and remember to lock your vehicle!
Update on the smart meter controversy

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Burbank Action member Kiku Lani Iwata spoke out in opposition to the smart meters at the Burbank City Council meeting November 15, 2011
Some local residents opposed to the smart meters are planning to meet after Thanksgiving to discuss their victory at the Tuesday, November 15 Burbank City Council meeting and to plot their next move.
At the November 15 city council meeting, a number of residents from Burbank and Glendale spoke about what they say are hazards, illnesses, and privacy violations associated with the smart meters. These new devices are being installed at homes, apartment buildings, and businesses throughout the Media City in a smart grid project estimated at $60 million. The new meters reportedly will relay user data to a central utility site. That’s right, meter readers will become obsolete.
In the past, the city council majority has pretty much ignored the complaints of residents and accepted Burbank Water and Power officials’ assessment that the smart meters pose no health risks or privacy invasion. However, Councilman Dr. David Gordon wasn’t so quick to reject the claims of residents and called for a first step report on an opt out program for the smart meters.
After the testimony of residents on November 15, the Burbank City Council voted unanimously to move forward with a second step report, which would research options to the new smart meters.

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Burbank Water and Power General Manager Ron Davis took notes during the testimony of residents opposed to the smart meters at the Burbank City Council meeting November 15, 2011
Thanksgiving benefit at Flappers Comedy Club

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Flappers Comedy Club at the corner of Magnolia Boulevard and First Street in Burbank
The Burbank City Council has declared November “Burbank Temporary Aid Center” month. BTAC is involved in a number of food drives, services, and events to help the working poor, seniors and the homeless in B-town.
Tonight a dinner and show for BTAC is being hosted at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank. Tickets for the fundraiser are $25 each. The event starts at 8 p.m.