New operator for Burbank Recycle Center
After heated debate at its meeting Tuesday, December 6, the Burbank City Council voted to assign the operating agreement for the controversial Burbank Recycle Center to Burrtec Waste Industries. The vote was 4-1 with Councilman, Dr. David Gordon, strongly opposing the arrangement.
The operation of the Burbank Recycle Center has been under scrutiny for some time and most recently when city officials decided to drop private contractor, Burbank Recycling, Inc (BRI). BRI is facing allegations from the state for allegedly cashing in out-of-state beverage containers under the California recycling plan. It was BRI that requested Burrtec take over it’s contract with the Burbank Recycle Center — that produced a lot of questions and suspicions among some Burbankers.
The council majority appeared to be swayed by the staff report, which suggested it would be cheaper to hook up with Burrtec rather than to go out for bids. Hopefully, the council’s decision will improve public confidence in the Burbank Recycle Center and not make a bad situation worse.
Anti-Walmart protesters plan new action

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Stop Walmart in Burbank protesters out front of the site of a planned Walmart at 1301 North victory Place in Burbank October 19, 2011
The “Stop Walmart in Burbank” group is gearing up for an appearance at the city council meeting next Tuesday, December 13. Walmart moving into Burbank is pretty much a done deal. However, this group is still determined to make city officials “… feel the pressure…” from “… their constituents…” who are against the giant retailer opening a store in the Empire Center.
Wind storm clean-up: It’s a wrap

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — A pile of tree limbs on East Providencia Avenue in Burbank December 1, 2011
The clean-up following last week’s powerful wind storm was a huge effort. Cheers for residents, Burbank city crews, and Burbank PD.