Bob Frutos plans to stay involved in city matters

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — A smiling Bob Frutos says thank you to his supporters for his city council campaign at Caminiti’s Restaurant on West Burbank Boulevard in Burbank April 14, 2011
Bob Frutos lost on two fronts recently: a city council seat in a very tight race with Emily Gabel-Luddy and last week, the city council-majority (including Gabel-Luddy) refused to re-appoint him to the Burbank Police Commission. Nevertheless, Frutos is still smiling and touting the need for change in Burbank.
Frutos provided some details for his sunny viewpoint in answers to a couple of e-mail questions I sent him over the weekend:
1. Change was at the heart of your city council campaign. You still embraced change even when you were not re-appointed to the Burbank Police Commission this past week. Why do you feel change is so important for Burbank?
I proudly campaigned on positive change for Burbank in the recent election. I continue to believe that such change is a must for our community. Even though I now find myself officially off the Burbank Police Commission, I will continue to be interested and involved in public-safety matters, and always available to help the City Council or Commission in any way I can. In the final analysis, change is always important for people, for a city, for any society. It is through change and growth that we better ourselves and our community, and make a lasting positive difference in the lives of our friends and neighbors. I will continue to be a agent of change in Burbank.
2. What are your future plans? Will you get involved in Burbank city government/politics anytime soon?
I plan to be actively involved in the future and improvement of Burbank. I am thinking about trying again for the city council race in the March 2013, election. I feel I have much to contribute to the City I love and the people who make it such a fine place to live in, work, and raise families. I am always prepared to lend my expertise and experience to resolve any municipal problems, if called upon before that election. I am staying involved because this is my home, and I want to make a positive difference.
I’m hearing there are at least two other potential city council candidates waiting in the wings. More on that later.
More drama on the police commission
The city council replaced Frutos on the police commission with new arrival to the city, Richard Warmack, who has a lengthy law enforcement and military resume — but what does he know about Burbank, its problems, especially the police mess?
Police commissioners Hagop Hergelian and Nathan Rubinfeld were re-appointed. Also, the city council decided to delay the matter of whether to remove Police Commissioner, Jim Etter, until new member, Gabel-Luddy, could look at city council meeting videotapes from last fall.
Etter’s removal is being pushed by Vice-Mayor Dave Golonski and his friend, tenant or whatever, Brett Loutensock, who shows up at City Hall only to trash Etter. Last Tuesday, the council gave the impression that Etter’s removal was being considered for a remark he made that was clearly in jest at a city council meeting last fall. The council members at the time did not get outraged by it.
Oh, Council member Gary Bric made a similar type remark in jest at the same meeting — to make a point– during the discussion of the sidewalk controversy. No one is trying to boot him from the council because of it.
I’ll say it again, there’s a long running nasty feud between Golonski and the Etter family. Last Tuesday, Golonski claimed he saw Jim Etter in court. If that’s the case, I doubt it was because both had been called to serve on jury duty at the same time. I’m told it started with Etter’s brother Bob, who is deceased — but the feud lives on.
Since the council majority seems to be in the dark about the feud, which is well-known by long-time Burbankers, why not have their attorney investigative unit do a probe? In a short time that unit most likely would track down a ton of evidence of this feud.
Bottom line, Golonski has a conflict. He should not be allowed to vote on the Jim Etter matter. The city council-majority should have the courage to tell him so.
Police cases and lawsuits
Ex-Burbank Police officer Omar Rodriguez’s state case of discrimination and retaliation was dismissed last Friday. Meanwhile, the powerful law firm, Brown, White, and Newhouse reportedly has taken on Rodriguez as a client and has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit in Federal court. Members of the firm include former AUSAs (Assistant U.S. Attorneys) and a retired Federal judge.
Memorial Day events at Valhalla Memorial Park
The long Memorial Day weekend is coming. On Friday, May 27, the Boy Scouts and Ventura Crew 201, along with the American Legion Post 150, plan to place 25 hundred flags on the graves of veterans, to kick-off the Memorial Day weekend events.
The flag laying will be at the Valhalla Memorial Park in the veterans section, 10621 Victory Boulevard, on the border of Burbank and North Hollywood, at 5 p.m. There will be a ceremony as well. The public is invited.
On May 30, Memorial Day, there will be another ceremony to honor the nation’s war dead at Valhalla Memorial Park. Time: 10 a.m. This event is open to the public as well.