Outgoing City Manager, Mark Scott, has B-town buzzing for a number of reasons. First of course, his ultimatum to city council members to approve a reclassification/promotion for an employee under the threat that he would resign if they refused to capitulate. Three council members faced down that threat and voted against the change. At that infamous November 16 city council meeting Mayor Bob Frutos, gave the city manager the opportunity to withdraw his threat or change his position. Scott refused the offer. Since then, Scott has been actively presenting his side of the situation in the media and in emails to staff and the city council. It’s a couple of the recent emails to the city council, sent by Scott, that are causing some chatter.
Last Friday, Scott sent council members an email with the subject line “retirement.” It was professional and gracious with many “thank yous” to the council, staff, and the community. However, there’s chatter now about another email about his departure that Scott sent to the city council in the middle of last week. Reliable sources say it was not so gracious. So far, no one has volunteered to send me a copy of that previous email.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Burbank City Manager threatens to resign over failed vote at city council meeting November 16, 2015
Even though he’s talking retirement, the word is Scott is already out there looking for another job. I know the holidays are upon us, but the city council needs to get on with the process of finding a replacement.