Tuesday, February 20, is the official deadline to register to vote in the upcoming 2024 California primary on March 5. Earlier this month, the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder County Clerk sent several million mail-in ballots to registered voters. In a tweet on Valentine’s Day, that office put the number of registered voters in the county at 5.6 million.

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Vote-by-mail ballot for March 5, 2024 California Presidential Primary.
Those ballots can be returned by mail. If you do so, your ballot must be postmarked by Election Day and received by March 12, 2024. There are other options. You can deliver that ballot to one of more than 400 drop-off box locations throughout Los Angeles County. Or to one of the official vote centers, open Saturday, February 24 through March 5.
If you miss the deadline for voter registration, there is another method. Under California election law, you can register and vote even on Election Day as part of the Conditional Voter Registration provision. For details go here on the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder County Clerk website or here for information on the process from the California Secretary of State.