Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Flash mob car event backs up traffic on Burbank Boulevard at Victory Boulevard in Burbank August 13, 2013
A flash mob car crowd gathers near the Krispy Kreme donut outlet, 1521 North Victory Place, in Burbank’s Empire Center. That invasion has happened before and despite warnings from the Burbank Police Department and threats of legal action from Burbank City Attorney, Amy Albano, the custom car enthusiasts are apparently planning on returning to the Media City this evening.
A few thousand people at an unofficial event and gridlock on surrounding streets makes the Burbank PD nervous. Burbank Police have sent out news alerts about the flash mob unofficial event and their intentions to crack down.
“The Burbank Police Department will always respect and recognize the rights of individuals to peacefully and lawfully assemble. We also respect and recognize the need for area residents and businesses to safely utilize city streets and services. Mass gatherings can create a public nuisance, disturb the general peace, and create situations which impact the safe and efficient flow of traffic. To that end, the Burbank Police Department will be fully deployed in the area to enforce all applicable laws, including those involving illegal engine/vehicle modifications.”
The BPD apparently has enlisted the Burbank City Attorney’s Office to put some heat on the organizer. A disclaimer is up on the Krispy Kreme Tuesdays Burbank Facebook Page.
“Due to the legality of this gathering. We do not condone or permit a Flash Mob Car Show. We do not condone public damages and or road blocking at Krispy Kreme / Empire Center. We will denounce ourselves as “hosting this FLASH MOB CAR SHOW according to authorities” . I will be present at the empire center eating as a patron at one of the empire centers many food vendors. I do not mind if you come and say hello. Any gathering at this point would be at your own individual discretion and owns choice to show up at the empire center and Burbank city.”
A copy of Albano’s letter appears in an interesting opinion post written by Paulo Acoba, editor of of artofgears.com, featured in “Fansided,”which runs on the Sports Illustrated website. In the letter, Albano says “…if this event proceeds, the City (Burbank) intends to take legal action against you and seek recoupment of the cost of all public resources expended in response to this illegal event.”
First, let’s be blunt — Burbank needs another legal case like California needs another drought. Instead of legal threats and heavy-handed police action, how’s about working this situation away from the negative and into a positive for B-town?

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Two visitors checked out the classic rides at the All Chevy Vintage Car Show in Burbank September 8, 2013
Burbankers dig car shows; they readily attend several such events in the city every year. In fact, many are regulars at the weekly car show-off in the parking lot of the Bob’s Big Boy up on Riverside Drive in Burbank.
Back in August of 2013 at a city council meeting, then council member/now mayor, Bob Frutos, declared “this is a car town!” I think he’s right. Also, some of the merchants on the up-and-coming trendy Magnolia Boulevard have been hoping for the return of a car-show event to rival the old “Be-Boppin‘ in the Park” in Magnolia Park.

Photo: FLLewis/ Media City G — Vintage wheels were in the spotlight at Be-Boppin‘ in the Park on Magnolia Boulevard in Burbank August 2010
Hey, city officials can’t we all “just get along,” work together, and come up with a solution?
** FYI, I will be away from the computer for the rest of the day.