Photo: FLLewis/Media City G -- TV crew at work at the General Motors training facility on Riverside Drive Burbank April 2, 2012
That controversial General Motors training facility site over on Riverside Drive in the Rancho has gone Hollywood — at least for a few days. The production of the new CBS TV drama, “Widow Detective” is reportedly shooting there now. The cop series stars John Corbett as a lieutenant who offers his help, as a surrogate husband, lover, and father, to the families of his three deceased partners who died in the line of duty.

Photo: FLLewis/ Media City G -- The old General Motors training facility sports a new title, "Los Angeles Police Department Sunset Division" for the filming of a new TV drama series in Burbank April 2, 2012
The front of the facility has been turned into the headquarters for the fictional Los Angeles Police Department Sunset Division. I’m told there is now a mock-up of a hospital on the site as well.

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G -- Fake Los Angeles Police cars parked out front of the General Motors training facility/turned TV film set on Riverside Drive Burbank April 2, 2012
The site has been in the spotlight for a different reason lately. A developer, New Urban West, tried to build a large 120 unit housing project on the site — but Rancho residents beat it down. So the developer sold the site to Lycée International de Los Angeles, an English/French private school, and apparently that deal is getting the thumbs up from local residents.