The hot button issue of care facilities and group homes in Burbank residential neighborhoods will be discussed at a special community meeting, 150 North Third Street in Burbank at 7 p.m. this evening. The Burbank City Council has come under fire for adopting a state-required housing element policy earlier this year, which allow those types of facilities, with six people or less, to operate in single family neighborhoods.
Barbara Kautz, an attorney and an expert on land use law as it pertains to housing has been hired by the city. Kautz will lead this evening’s discussion of the issue. The meeting will be in the Burbank Community Services building room 104.
The Burbank City Council is set to consider the option of a moratorium on certain building permits with the aim of shutting out these types of unlicensed facilities. This option is on the agenda of tomorrow’s regularly scheduled city council meeting at city hall 275 East Olive Avenue in Burbank at 6 p.m.