Photo:FLLewis/Media City G -- Councilman Dr. David Gordon at Burbank City Council meeting March 20, 2012
A person of interest reportedly has been interviewed in connection with that brick through the window incident at Burbank Councilman David Gordon’s optometry office on Hollywood Way last month. It happened on March 16 at around 10 p.m. and according to Burbank Police Officer, Joshua Kendrick, a suspect “.. was last seen fleeing the scene, southbound on Hollywood Way in a vehicle.” Dr. Gordon say nothing like this has ever happened in his 30 years of business: “the act of violence against my office was shocking and most unfortunate.”
Yesterday I got an update on the investigation from Sergeant Darin Ryburn, over in BPD Media Relations. In an e-mail, Sgt.Ryburn stated a person of interest had been questioned. Also, Ryburn says the investigation is wrapping up and soon the results will be handed over to the City Attorney’s office “… for review of possible misdemeanor charges ..”