Freezeframe from surveillance video of Burbank police officers and homeless man from Los Angeles Council President Paul Krekorian’s Office/LA Times June 7, 2024.
More fallout from that controversial video showing two Burbank police officers interacting with a distressed homeless man. Los Angeles City Council President Paul Krekorian released the video earlier this month and accused the Burbank cops of “dumping” the homeless man near his office on a North Hollywood street.
“We have known for years that neighboring cities were dumping unhoused people on the streets of Los Angeles. Here is the proof,” said Krekorian as he showed the video at a press conference. The video got prompt responses from the City of Burbank and Burbank Police promising investigations.
No action was taken on the matter at the Burbank City Council meeting Tuesday, June 25. However, on the same day the Los Angeles City Council voted in favor (13-0) of a motion which called for investigations by L.A. County District Attorney, the L.A. City Attorney and state Attorney’s General Office. Also, the motion demanded answers from Burbank city officials.
Last Tuesday, the City of Burbank released this statement in response to the motion:
Burbank, CA (June 25, 2024) – In reference to today’s Los Angeles City Council meeting discussing the incident from June 6, 2024, the City of Burbank welcomes any investigation and is in the process of conducting its own rigorous internal investigation. As images depicted on video don’t always relay the entire situation, the City of Burbank cautions against inflammatory rhetoric and a rush to judgment without the benefits of the investigation findings.