In the spirit of Halloween, Martino’s Bakery, 335 North Victory Boulevard in Burbank, is playing host to a couple of creepy characters.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — A blow-up Frankenstein monster guards the parking lot of Martino’s Bakery in Burbank October 30, 2014
The bakery has a new parking lot greeter, a giant blow-up Frankenstein monster with a bright green face.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — A creepy skeleton occupied a corner table at Martino’s Bakery in Burbank October 30, 2014
Inside, sitting at a choice table by the window, a giant skeleton takes a break from his scary Halloween chores. A couple of staffers told me the skeleton is a big hit with customers. Some take his picture. The really brave ones, sit down for a chat. I hear the skeleton guy isn’t a big talker — but likes company.