Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Memorial at John Burroughs High in Burbank Saturday, September 13, for three teenagers killed in a traffic accident yesterday morning.
The crowds from the candlelight vigil last night were gone from the steps of John Burroughs High School on Clark Avenue in Burbank this morning. However, some of the candles were still burning for truck accident victims and Burroughs graduates, Jake Gnasso, Ian Bulbenko, and April Townsend. Every now and then someone would stop at the memorial to read the notes or to grieve for the three young lives lost.
Gnasso, Bulbenko, Towsend and two other Burroughs grads were riding in a pickup truck when it reportedly plunged 200 feet off the side of Rush Canyon Truck Trail in Santa Clarita early yesterday morning. Zachary Maina and Timothy Gorman survived the crash and are hospitalized. All five teens are 19 and 2013 graduates of Burroughs. The California Highway Patrol is investigating the cause of the accident.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Candles, flowers, and notes at the Burbank memorial (9/13/14) for three teenagers killed in a truck accident Friday, September 12, 2014