Governor signs new budget with deep cuts for the needy

Photo: website -- California Governor Schwarzenegger holds news conference to discuss the passing of the budget in Sacramento 10/08/10
Finally, following weeks no months of haggling, the state has a new budget. My relief over the passage of the budget is tempered by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s last minute act of cruelty and elitism.
After a hard fought compromise in the legislature, the governor used his line veto to slash more than $960 million from the budget before signing it yesterday. All of the governor’s cuts were directed at social programs including aid to families moving off of welfare and mental health services for children with special needs. More about the cuts on the Los Angeles Times website.
Yesterday, the governor held news conferences in Fresno and Sacramento — never admitting his plan to gut these social programs. Oh, the governor did talk about his upcoming trip to Russia and plans to go on a ski vacation in January. Nice.
Mike Gatto’s reform amendment included in the new budget
A constitutional amendment, aimed at improving the state’s financial situation, is part of the new budget. The measure would require the state to increase the amount it puts aside in a “Rainy Day Fund.”
Local Assemblyman Mike Gatto of the 43rd District co-authored the amendment: ““This legislation would force Sacramento decision makers to follow the sound practices that every family in this state understands. You put away some money when times are good, so that we have some money left over when times are bad.”
The amendment will go before the voters in 2012 for a final decision. More about this on Assemblyman Gatto’s website.
New Field Poll on state economy
Californians are really bummed by the state’s economy. The latest Field Poll reports 93 percent of those questioned “…described the state as being in bad economic times.” Only a slim 23 percent expected the situation to “improve in the coming year.”
This latest survey of registered voters was conducted last month and released on October 5. During the past 18 months, 9 out of 10 voters, Republicans, Democrats, and Non-Partisans, have given grim views of the state of the state.
The Field Poll has been surveying the mood of Californians on the state economy since 1978. In a press release, Pollsters Mervin Field and Mark Di Camillo said:”… never before has the negative assessment of economic conditions been so deep and prolonged as it is now.”