Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Pedestrian vs vehicle accident at intersection of Lima Street and Magnolia Blvd. in Burbank November 17, 2016
An elderly woman was reportedly hit by a black sedan in a Burbank intersection considered to be dangerous by many in Magnolia Park. The accident occurred last Thursday, November 17, at around 12:30 p.m. at the intersection of Lima Street and Magnolia Boulevard. The accident forced Burbank traffic patrol officers to block off eastbound traffic on Magnolia for a while.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Burbank traffic patrol officer blocks off eastbound Magnolia Blvd. at Avon Street in Burbank November 17, 2016

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Backed up traffic on Magnolia Blvd. at Avon Street in Burbank November 17, 2016
The accident occurred when a black sedan attempted to turn onto Magnolia. Burbank PIO Sergeant, Claudio Losacco, says: “The vehicle was traveling north on Lima St. and initiated a right turn (east) onto Magnolia Bl. The vehicle struck the pedestrian, an 87 year-old Burbank resident, who was in the roadway, within an unmarked crosswalk. The pedestrian was transported to a local hospital with a head injury.” Neither the victim nor the driver of the sedan have been identified.
There has been talk about getting some kind of traffic control at this intersection for years. So far, the city council has refused to take action on installing what some believe is the solution to a dangerous situation, a traffic light with a marked crosswalk.
Meanwhile, the Burbank Police Department has been awarded a grant “for a year-long program of special enforcement and public awareness efforts to prevent traffic related deaths and injuries.” In a news release, Burbank Police Chief, Scott LaChasse is quoted as saying: “This grant from the California OTO (Office of Traffic Safety) will allow us to deploy more officers onto the streets to offer more education and enforcement, ultimately making our community a safer place to live, work and play.”
The grant is worth $65,200.
Hopefully, the grant and public concern will prompt the city council to take action at the Lima Street and Magnolia Blvd intersection, before someone else is injured or worse, someone is killed.