Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Dr. David Gordon steps aside to switch chairs with newly elected mayor Bob Frutos at city council reorganization meeting May 1, 2015
As expected Burbank vice-mayor, Bob Frutos, got the votes from his colleagues to move into the mayor’s position. The vote was unanimous. Frutos, a veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department, was elected to city council in 2013 and will be serving as mayor for one year. Frutos takes over the job from Dr. David Gordon who will continue to service out his term as a council member. It happened this morning at the annual city council reorganization meeting at City Hall.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Standing room only at city council reorganization meeting in Burbank May 1, 2015
There was standing room only in the city council chamber for the mayor and vice-mayor selection. Jess Talamantes was picked as the new vice-mayor.

Photo: FLLewis /Media City G — (l-r) Council Member Emily Gabel-Luddy, Vice-Mayor Jess Talamantes, Mayor Bob Frutos, Council Member Dr. David Gordon, and Council Member Will Rogers took photos at the end of the city council reorganization meeting in Burbank May 1, 2015
Another big attraction, the swearing-in of re-elected city council member Emily Gabel-Luddy and first time city councilman, Will Rogers. Also, sworn in today — new school board members Steve Ferguson and Dr. Armond Aghakhanian, along with re-elected board member, Roberta Reynolds. More on the meeting and photos coming!