Photo: Terje Canavarro/Freelance photographer -- Service Employees International Union demonstrators marched in support of janitors along Riverside Drive in Burbank March 30, 2012
Freelance photographer Terje “Terry” Canavarro caught this demonstration in the Media District of Burbank last Friday, March 30. Canavarro says the demonstrators were “…a few hundred strong!”

Photo: Terje Canavarro/Freelance photographer -- SEIU demonstrators turned out in support of janitors in the Media District of Burbank March 30, 2012

Photo: Terje Canavarro/Freelance photographer -- Demonstrators carried signs like, "Justice for Janitors" in Media District of Burbank March 30, 2012
The march is one of several held across the nation recently protesting the alleged inequity of the 1% of the wealthiest Americans and the other 99%. SEIU reportedly represents more than 100,00 janitors and is working to create jobs and improve working conditions.