Catching up on some of the activities of First Lady and Health Advocate, Michelle Obama. Mrs-O, a website dedicated to the first lady’s fashion, style, and special interests, is a faithful follower of almost everything Michelle. Also there’s a ton of comments, from some of the thousands of Michelle fans, on the two-year-old site. I’m a Michelle follower and an occasional visitor to Mrs-O.
In the photo above, Mrs. Obama toured an herb garden with a group of curious school children, last Thursday, September 24. Several First Ladies, from a number of countries, joined the tour at the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, New York.
The tour included a farm-to-the-table-lunch — part of Mrs. Obama’s healthy eating program.
Also in the Mrs-O post, a description of who and what the first lady was wearing — down to her “silver pointed toe flats.” Mrs. Obama is no Lady Gaga, however, she has many admirers of her fashion taste and sensible style.