Photo: Pete Souza/White House -- Investor Warren Buffett meets with President Obama on July 14, 2010
A heavy discussion in the Oval Office of the White House on Wednesday, July 14, when Billionaire Investor, Warren Buffett, dropped by for a chat with President Barack Obama. Main topics: the struggling economy and jobs.
The Caucus blog on The New York Times website reported on the meeting and mentioned a funny incident with Buffett’s tie. The President reportedly noticed Buffett’s tie was a bit worn — offered one of his own– and the offer was accepted.
Buffett is consider one of the most successful investors in the world. Last March, this smart guy from Omaha placed third on Forbes’ list of the riches billionaires. Buffett’s net worth — $47 Billion. Also, Buffett is a well known philanthropist who donates generously to charities including around $30 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.