Photo: Chuck Kennedy/White House -- President Obama pardoned two turkeys at the White House today. Only one, Liberty, made an appearance at the event. The other, Peace, skipped the photos. November 23, 2011
President Obama carried on a Thanksgiving tradition today by pardoning two big turkeys. Liberty was on hand for the National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning ceremony — Peace was a no show for some reason.
Joining the president were daughters Malia and Sasha and the National Turkey Federation Chairman, Richard Huisinga.
The two 19-week old turkeys tip the scales at 45 pounds each and were raised by a group of students in Minnesota.
President Obama:
“Now, I’m told that in order to prepare Liberty and Peace for their big day, the students exposed them to loud noises and flash bulbs so that they’d be ready to face the White House press corps. This is actually true. They also received the most important part of their media training, which involves learning how to gobble without really saying anything.
So Liberty is ready for his turn in the spotlight. And after he finishes a round of cable hits and a few Sunday shows, he’s going to retire to a life of leisure at Mount Vernon — the same place where George Washington spent his golden years.”
The president’s complete remarks are here on the White House website.