Thursday, September 15, 2011

The official announcement of the new Burbank City Attorney

It has been rumored about for weeks now.  Then, late today the official announcement came from Burbank City Hall in the form of a news release — naming the replacement for retiring Burbank City Attorney, Dennis Barlow. She is Amy Albano who is now the city attorney out in Thousand Oaks. Next Tuesday, the city council will consider appointing Albano to […]
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering September 11, 2001

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday September 10, 2011 This weekend, we’re coming together, as one nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.  We’re remembering the lives we lost—nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children.  We’re reaffirming our commitment to always keep faith with their families.   We’re honoring the heroism […]
Friday, September 9, 2011

President Obama calls on Congress to pass the American Jobs Act

President Barack Obama wants to shore up the sagging economy by putting “… more people back to work and more money in the pockets of those who are working.” Last night, in an address to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol, the president presented the American Jobs Act, which he claims will achieve those goals. THE PRESIDENT:  Mr. Speaker, […]
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Talk of the Town: Those controversial new smart meters

A lot of complaints and grumbling about, and verbal attacks on, the new smart meters in Burbank.  Officials at Burbank Water and Power are raving about the new water and electric meters — but many of the residents aren’t buying the hype. Some of the public suspicion, disapproval, and down right hostility for the meters was heard during public comments at last Tuesday’s Burbank City […]
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hot collectible: Burbank centennial bag

I noticed it soon after the big party of the century to celebrate Burbank’s centennial back on July 8. Whenever I took my colorful Burbank centennial reusable bag out in public — someone would comment on it.  “What a cool bag!” is what a checker at the Trader Joe’s on East Alameda Avenue in Burbank said as she carefully arranged my groceries […]
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

City releases statement on controversial Burbank Recycle Center

Lately, the Burbank City Council has been peppered with tough questions from residents about the status and alleged mismanagement of the Burbank Recycle Center over on South Flower Street. This is not the first time rumors have been flying about something “not right” going on at the center. Yesterday, the City of Burbank put out a statement about the center and its […]
Friday, August 19, 2011

Talk of the Town: Burbank City Attorney’s retirement party e-mail

Quite a bit of talk in B-town about the fairytale-like e-mail announcement sent out to all Burbank City employees yesterday. The e-mail invited folks to save two upcoming dates, September 29 and October 28, for bashes honoring the retirement of controversial Burbank City Attorney, Dennis Barlow. While the invite probably got chuckles from some — it got scorn from others who […]
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Presidential Race: Michele Bachmann wins in Iowa

 Minnesota Congresswoman and GOP presidential hopeful, Michele Bachmann, is celebrating a major victory today.  Bachmann won the first big Republician test of the 2012 campaign for the White House., the Iowa straw poll.  On the official, Michele Bachmann for President website, the candidate posted this statement: “THANK YOU IOWA! We did it! I am excited to announce our campaign was the […]
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A call for a probe into a Hollywood movie about Osama bin Laden

A New York congressman is calling for an investigation into what kind of “cooperation” the Obama administration provided for a movie about the take down of 9-11 terrorist mastermind, Osama bin Laden. Director Kathryn Bigelow is partnering with screenwriter Mark Boal on this bin Laden film. Apparently, the filmmakers are being accused of getting “special access” and classified information —  allegedly including data on […]
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Crime Alert: Thieves getting bolder and bolder in B-town

 Lately it seems, Burbank has become a favorite target of thieves and criminals — especially when it comes to cars, trucks, and bicycles. In last week’s crime report, put out by the Burbank Police Department, there were three cases involving stolen 3rd row seats. Burbank Police Captain Mike Albanese has reacted to this ongoing crime wave by saying it’s happening all over Southern […]
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Talk of the Town: Is Walmart moving to the Media City?

A lot of chatter  these days about Walmart. Is the world’s largest retailer coming to Burbank — bringing along its unsavory baggage of poor labor practices — including a reputation for discriminating against minorities — particularly women? Apparently Walmart has plans to open in Burbank at The Great Indoors location in the Empire Center.  Recently, Walmart bought the site from Sears. The Great Indoors is expected to close this weekend. […]
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

City Buzz

Burbank police commissioner resigns The Burbank Police Commission’s most controversial and perhaps its most dedicated member is stepping down at the end of tomorrow’s police commission meeting. Jim Etter sent a letter of resignation late yesterday to Police Commission Chair, Elise Stearns-Niesen, Mayor/City Council member, Jess Talamantes, Burbank Police Chief and Deputy Chief, Scott LaChasse and Tom Angel. No, Etter is not […]