Friday, November 19, 2010

Another MSNBC TV host is suspended

Here we go again. MSNBC TV Host, Joe Scarborough, was suspended today for making donations to eight political campaigns from 2004-to-2008. MSNBC President, Phil Griffin, announced a two-day suspension without pay for Scarborough saying he “… will return to the air on Wednesday, November 24th.” Scarborough is a former Republican congressman from Florida. His punishment was similar to that received by […]
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Burbank survey — a high grade for city services

City Hall officials are fiercely working to spruce-up and polish Burbank’s image ahead of those all important local election coming up in a few months. First, that highly touted, but rather bland monthly newsletter, Burbank USA, popped up around town and in utility bills. Recently, a lengthy article on the effort to quote “refresh the city’s image” appeared in the Burbank Leader. Now comes the results of the […]
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Medal of Honor awarded to a brave soldier

A rare ceremony at the White house today. President Barack Obama presented U.S. Army Staff Sergeant, Salvatore Giunta, with the nation’s highest military award — the Medal of Honor.  Sgt. Giunta is the first living service member from either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars to receive this award. The Medal of Honor is awarded for “conspicuous gallantry” way beyond the call of […]
Monday, November 15, 2010

City Buzz

Sewer pipe drama over Traffic and parking are back to normal in the 500 block of South Beachwood Drive in Burbank. I visited the site yesterday afternoon. The repair equipment was gone and the excavation site had been paved over. A very different scene from earlier this month, a few days after a pipe burst on Tuesday, November 2—spilling thousands of gallons of sewage […]
Thursday, November 11, 2010

In South Korea President Obama speaks on the purpose of Veterans Day

 On this Veterans Day, President Barack Obama rallied more than a thousand of our troops, U.S. civilians, their families, and several hundred South Korean veterans at the U.S. military headquarters in South Korea — Yongsan Army Garrison in Seoul. President Barack Obama: “Now, on this day, we honor every man and woman who has ever worn the uniform of the United States of […]
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crime Alert: Auto burglaries in Burbank

In Burbank, auto burglaries have become more than a nuisance. The problem is starting to tarnish the city’s already battered reputation. Not only are the locals talking about “all those auto burglaries,” but so are folks who come into the Media City for entertainment or to work. A friend of mine who lives in Pasadena, sometimes drives to town to see a movie at the AMC. She […]
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Former President George W. Bush back in the spotlight

Even if you disagree with his politics or hold him accountable for leaving the country with two wars, a huge deficit, and in a financial/economical meltdown, Ex-President, George W. Bush, is still an intriguing study. The 43rd president is on the talk show circuit promoting his new book, “Decision Points.” Apparently the president is doing a bang up job. Today “Decision Points,” Bush’s look […]
Sunday, November 7, 2010

City Buzz

Two candidates jump into the Burbank City Council race As of  last Friday morning, two eager candidates, both with experience in city government, are off and running for two seats on the Burbank City Council. The first to sign up on the candidate’s list on Monday, November first, the first official day of the nomination period , Planning Board Vice-Chair,  Emily Gabel-Luddy.  Burbank Police […]
Friday, November 5, 2010

MSNBC suspends TV Host Keith Olbermann

Some negative fallout from Tuesday’s midterm election for MSNBC and its TV Host, Keith Olbermann. After a report surfaced that Olbermann had donated money to the campaigns of three Democratic candidates — he was suspended without pay today. Olbermann apparently violated company policy in making the political contributions.   Olberman is the host of the popular MSNBC news and political commentary show, “Countdown […]
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What’s next? President Obama talks about last night’s election returns

Reflecting on the returns from yesterday’s mid-term election, President Barack Obama admitted today that he received a  “shellacking” from the voters. At a White House news conference, the president blamed the sluggish economy for voter dissatisfaction and frustration, which resulted in the Republicans gaining a majority in the House and whittling down the Democratic majority in the Senate. Also, the president […]
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brown, Newsom, Gatto, Prop. 19 & other election results

Attorney General Jerry Brown will be moving to the governor’s office very soon. Brown has been declared the winner over his strong Republican and big-money challenger, Meg Whitman, in yesterday’s General Election. The latest figures from the Secretary of State’s Office give Brown 53.7 percent of the vote and and Whitman 41.3 percent. A check of the statewide voting map shows Whitman […]
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

City Buzz

It’s your right. Vote! The candidates have had their say, now it’s time for the voters to speak. The polls opened for the November 2 General Election at 7 a.m. this morning and close at 8 p.m. tonight. If you still have your mail-in ballot, don’t worry. You can drop it off at any polling place or surrender that ballot and step into […]