Wednesday, October 27, 2010
President Obama appears on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” tonight. The show taped at the Harman Center for the Arts in Washington DC, earlier today. President Obama stuck to his agenda of touting his administration’ achievements, days before next Tuesday’s mid-term election. USA Today has more on Stewart’s interview with President Obama here. UPDATED: Thursday, October 28, 2010 If you […]
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Another Dr. Seuss classic headed to the big screen Some big name stars have signed on for the film adaptation of “The Lorax,” by Dr. Seuss. In his classic style of word play and rhymes, Dr. Seuss aka Theodore Seuss Geisel, creates a delightful tale about the ecology crisis in this children’s story. Actor Danny Devito reportedly has signed on to […]
Monday, October 25, 2010
President Barack Obama breezed into Glendale last Friday for an interview with Radio Host, Eddie “Piolin” Sotelo, at the Univision Radio building on North Central Avenue. In this photo, President Obama introduced Cecila Munoz, Assistant to The President for Intergovernmental Affairs, to Piolin. The Spanish-language “Piolin Show” is one of the top rated radio programs in the country. More on the president’s brief visit to […]
Saturday, October 23, 2010
More than 37, 000 gathered in a park at USC to see and hear President Barack Obama’s rousing get out the vote for the mid-term election speech yesterday. Later in the afternoon, much smaller crowds clustered in Glendale on street corners, in restaurant doorways, wherever they thought they might catch a glimpse of the presidential motorcade. Yet, from what I observed, the Glendale crowds […]
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
President Barack Obama is coming to town. Actually, to the Southland. During his visit, President Obama is scheduled to speak at a “Moving America Forward” rally, this Friday, October 22. Obama’s goal is to get people fired up for the final leg of the 2010 political campaign. Today an e-mail arrived in my in-box announcing a change of venue for that rally. […]
Saturday, October 16, 2010
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. To show it’s support, the White House went pink on Thursday night, October 14, 2010.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A chance to make a change in Burbank Burbank city officials are out to appease voters now that the Primary Nomination Election is coming up soon. Last week, the Burbank City Council gave final approval to that election set for February 22, 2011 and the General Muncipal Election on April 12, 2011. There is a countdown running on this blog, in the far […]
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Governor signs new budget with deep cuts for the needy Finally, following weeks no months of haggling, the state has a new budget. My relief over the passage of the budget is tempered by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s last minute act of cruelty and elitism. After a hard fought compromise in the legislature, the governor used his line veto to slash more than $960 million from […]
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
An emotional and awe-inspiring ceremony at the White House yesterday. In the Oval Office, President Barack Obama signed legislation granting a collective Congressional Gold Medal to the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, for their dedicated service during World War II. Many of those veterans are second generation Japanese Americans. Some of them were confined in internment camps before joining […]
Friday, October 1, 2010
In light of the controversial shooting death of an alleged knife-wheeling suspect, Los Angeles Police Chief, Charlie Beck, made a promise to his community in an opinion piece he wrote that appeared on the Los Angeles Times website today. In the op-ed piece, Chief Beck says he’s “… committed to providing as much detail as I am able to release about the facts of […]
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Catching up on some of the activities of First Lady and Health Advocate, Michelle Obama. Mrs-O, a website dedicated to the first lady’s fashion, style, and special interests, is a faithful follower of almost everything Michelle. Also there’s a ton of comments, from some of the thousands of Michelle fans, on the two-year-old site. I’m a Michelle follower and an occasional visitor […]
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office is cracking down on corruption in the city of Bell. Yesterday the mayor, Oscar Hernandez, and seven other current and former Bell officials were arrested by police and D.A. investigators. The Los Angeles Times, which broke the story, reported “…a battering ram” had to be used to break into the home of Mayor Hernandez, in order […]