Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Millions of Americans voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s message of change on Election Day and the Illinois senator rode that tidal wave to victory. It was a historic win and a decisive one. Minutes after the polls closed on the West Coast at 8 p.m. on Election Tuesday, the number of electoral votes for Obama flew past the required 270 needed […]
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove A poll worker guides a voter through the initial stages of voting, at a polling place in a Burbank neighborhood, during last February’s presidential primary. They are front and center at every polling place on Election Day. A volunteer army of poll workers. The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder /County Clerk’s office reportedly has recruited and trained over 26 […]
Monday, November 3, 2008
A family photo of a young Obama with his grandparents Stanley and Madelyn Dunham The last leg of the campaign got a lot tougher for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama today. His beloved grandmother passed away overnight in Hawaii. Obama reportedly found out about 86-year-old Madelyn Dunham’s death this morning. Dunham had been battling cancer. Then, she broke her hip […]
Monday, November 3, 2008
Over the weekend, Barack Obama and John McCain campaigns blitzed Nevada fighting for those undecided voters. Many of the political analysts have slotted Nevada in the column of swing states– those still up for grabs in this heated presidential race. For weeks now the Obama camp has been targeting Nevada. Some of the recent Obama e-mails I have received included urgent requests for California supporters to volunteer […]
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times They just kept coming by the hundreds and then by the thousands, lining up at the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder County Clerk’s building at 12400 Imperial Highway in Norwalk. Despite the wait of several hours in many cases, voters swamped the registrar’s office every day this past week. In Los Angeles County, early voting began last […]
Friday, October 31, 2008
Illinois Senator Barack Obama is not only the front runner in the major political polls, but he’s also outselling his opponent, Arizona Senator John McCain, in a local presidential cookie poll. Super popular Porto’s Bakery & Cafe At Magnolia Boulevard and Hollywood Way in Burbank has been offering John McCain and Barack Obama cookies for several weeks. I dropped by the Cuban-style bakery […]
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove – Burbank The closer it gets to Election Day the more political yard signs I see in my Burbank neighborhood. The most popular are those for the presidential candidates. Barack Obama signs started popping up first, more than a month ago. Lately, the folks backing the John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket have put out yard signs to show their […]
Sunday, October 26, 2008
“I’m a plumber… just a plumber,” that’s how Joe Wurzelbacher described himself when he lashed out at the media for scrutinizing his opinions and personal life, last weekend. Yeah, Joe is that guy. Joe the Plumber. The Joe that Republican presidential candidate John McCain mentioned repeatedly in the third and final presidential debate. In fact, McCain referred to Wurzelbacher as “my […]
Friday, October 24, 2008
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is taking a break from the hectic campaign trail to visit his gravely ill grandmother, Madelyn Dunham. She still lives in the same Honolulu, Hawaii apartment where she helped raise a teenage Obama. Recently, 85-year-old Dunham reportedly broke her hip and apparently her health worsened last week. Late yesterday, Obama flew to her bedside and will spend today with the […]
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sarah Palin shows off her fashion style at the Republican National Convention last month. I’ve never been impressed with the political babble of Republican V.P. candidate, Sarah Palin. I don’t buy into the Alaska governor’s boast that one of her qualifications for the second most powerful position in the nation is that she’s “a hockey mom.” However, Palin gets the props and kudos from me for her campaign […]
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove Voters at a Burbank polling place during last February’s Presidential Primary Election. The get out the vote campaign in Los Angeles County turned out to be a super success. Last weekend, the number of voters registered in the county hit a record-breaking 4,195,016. The last time the registration rolls leaped the 4 million mark was back in 2002. Monday was the deadline […]
Monday, October 20, 2008
Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is on a roll with the destination being the White House. Yet, his campaign is not letting up, despite leading in the polls, getting impressive endorsements, and raising mega-bucks. I think that shows Obama is running not only an inspiring campaign, but also a smart campaign. Yesterday, I got another one of those Obama […]