Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aaron Sorkin goes from politics to Facebook

Prolific writer/producer Aaron Sorkin is apparently trying to get some real-life experience for his new screenplay. According to Variety, Sorkin has set up a personal page on the popular Internet social network, Facebook. Sorkin is working on a script about the evolution of Facebook, from its humble beginnings in 2004 as an idea by Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg to more than 60 […]
Monday, August 25, 2008

Political drama from Denver to Beverly Hills

Thousands of Democrats are in Denver today for the opening of their four day convention at the downtown Pepsi Center. Closer to home, another political drama is set to play out in Beverly Hills this evening.  The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain and his wife Cindy will be special guests at a star-studded fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Wilshire Boulevard.  According to  The Washington Times […]
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Barack Obama picks a running mate

The suspense and political intrigue are over!  The presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has picked Delaware Senator Joe Biden for the number two spot on the ticket. Senator Biden is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Biden is an expert on foreign policy and familiar with foreign leaders and diplomats around the world. In 2007, Biden made his own run […]
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama & McCain together in the Southland this weekend

                                                    Days before the Democratic and Republican Conventions kick-off, the presumed presidential candidate for each party is headed to Southern California. Senators Barack Obama and John McCain will make their first joint appearance of the 2008 campaign at the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, located about 50 miles south of Burbank in Orange County. The moderator for the event and […]
Friday, July 11, 2008

A petition drive underway against FOX

Nearly 100, 000 people reportedly have expressed outrage at FOX for using racism, prejudice, and fear to smear presumed Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, that’s according to the political action website. The site lists the charges against FOX … “First, a paid FOX commentator accidentally confused “Obama” with “Osama” and then joked on the air about killing Obama. Next, a […]
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Burbank Democratic Club endorses Barack Obama for President

   I dropped by the backyard cookout of the Burbank Democratic Club this evening. A spirited group of about 20 ate BBQ, sipped beverages of their choice, and discussed the state of the country and the world. And oh yes, talked a lot about politics and the upcoming general election on Tuesday, November 4, 2008.   Club President Janet Reynolds called […]