Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Artist Jennifer Turnbull gave a utility box a new look in the rose garden between Verdugo and Olive Avenues Burbank October 16, 2015
Have you noticed several utility boxes in Burbank have been turned into original art pieces? A call went out last summer for seven artists to showcase their talent on seven utility boxes under the theme, “Just Imagine.” Artist, Jennifer Turnbull, was selected to work her magic on the utility box on Beachwood Drive between Verdugo and Olive Avenues.
It was an overcast morning with some drizzle back in October, when Turnbull got down to the business of giving the box an awesome paint job.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Artist Jennifer Turnbull worked her magic on a utility box between Verdugo and Olive Avenues in Burbank October 16, 2015
“The Burbank Arts Beautification Program is dedicated to exhibiting visual art outside the constraints of museums and galleries” according to the city website. Six other artists gave creative facelifts to utility boxes at City Hall, Robert R. Ovrom Park, Bel Aire Park, Brace Canyon Park, George Izay Park and Verdugo Park.Each artist received a stipend of $1,000.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — As part of the Burbank Arts Beautification Program the utility box has been brightly painted in rose garden between Verdugo and Olive Avenues Burbank December 8, 2015
The program is sponsored by the Burbank Cultural Arts Commission, Burbank Parks and Recreation Department, and Burbank Water and Power.