UPDATED 10:30 p.m. : Despite protests from some residents on North Screenland Drive tonight, the Burbank City Council voted 4-to-1 in favor of the sidewalks. The only “no” vote came from Councilman Dr. David Gordon.

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Luther Burbank Middle School 3700 West Jeffries Avenue Burbank winter 2011
The students at Luther Burbank Middle school in Burbank and their safety have become the debating points in the bitter controversy over the installation of sidewalks on nearby North Screenland Drive. A second vote by the Burbank City Council over whether to approve sidewalks for the 1800-1900 section of Screenland Drive is on the agenda tonight. Most of the residents who live on that stretch of Screenland are opposed to to adding a sidewalk — but it appears to be a foregone conclusion.

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Students crossing West Jeffries to get to the Luther Burbank School campus winter 2011

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — Campus Supervisor Sherry Ross helped students cross the streets of North Screenland Drive and West Jeffries Avenue on the morning of winter, 2011

Photo: FLLewis/ Media City G — Campus Supervisor Sherry Ross stopped traffic so students could safely cross West Jeffries Avenue to Luther Burbank Middle School winter 2011
End of school day 3 p.m. — students leave campus

Photo: FLLewis/ Media City G — Traffic at the intersection of West Jeffries Avenue and North Screenland Drive at around 3 p.m. in front of Luther Burbank Middle School winter 2011

Photo: FLLewis/media City G — Two Luther Burbank students walk on the grass area along North Screenland Drive winter 2011

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G — A group of Luther Burbank students walking on North Screenland Drive winter 2011
In a dramatic twist that still has some baffled, Councilman Gary Bric is leading the charge to get the sidewalks installed on North Screenland Drive. Last December, Bric joined councilmen Jess Talamantes and David Gordon, in supporting the majority of residents there and voted “no” on that part of a sidewalk project.
However, by the first of the year, Bric was talking about a re-vote and the importance of public safety. Yesterday, I observed only a few students walking along North Screenland Drive. If safety is the issue, and sidewalks would provide more of it for students and other members of the public now and in the future — then let the construction begin. Yet, don’t ignore the bigger picture.
On Monday, I saw first hand what a mess that intersection at West Jeffries and North Screenland Drive is when school opens and lets out. School officials are doing their best to protect students. Campus Supervisor, Sherry Ross, is a terrific crossing guard — but she needs some help.
Burbank police should be on site from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. until 4 p.m. to deal with this traffic nightmare. One child was hit here last year — let’s not wait until another accident occurs before realizing more than sidewalks are needed to protect children from harm here.