Photo: BurbankAction.com -- Folks from the audience stepped to the microphone to ask questions of a guest panel of experts at the So Cal Smart Meter Public Forum in Glendale November 10, 2011
Coming off a successful public forum in Glendale, local smart meter opponents are turning their attention to tonight’s Burbank City Council meeting. Last Thursday, the Southern California Smart Meter Public Forum at the Glendale Moose Lodge drew 175-200 people, according to one of the organizers and Burbank resident, Kiku Lani Iwata. Also, Iwata is a member of Burbank Action, a group that has been very vocal in its opposition to the smart meters.
Burbank Leader column, Ron Kaye, emceed the event which included a panel of guest speakers: health expert Cindy Sage, consumer advocate Mindy Spatt, and author Orlean Koehle. In his column last Sunday, Kaye shared his impressions of the event and the smart meter controversy. Also, a good article about the public forum appeared on the LA Weekly site.
Tonight, the Burbank City Council is set to consider a first step report on a smart meter alternative program. Councilman David Gordon requested the report back in September after hearing complaints about the smart meters. As of October 12, 2011, around 70 thousand of the devices, which are designed to relay user data to a main utility center, have been installed in the Media City according to Burbank officials. Installation has been delayed for some who have vigorously opposed the smart meters — due to health and privacy concerns. However at this point, there is no alternative plan in place for those who opted out of the smart meter expansion in Burbank.