The ABC TV political drama, “Scandal” is a top rated political drama created by prolific Hollywood writer/producer, Shonda Rhimes. She’s the creative wiz behind the popular medical dramas “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Private Practice.” Now, Rhimes is getting a chance to write about herself in a book deal with Simon & Schuster, according to The Wrap.
The book reportedly will be “…part memoir, part inspiration, part prescription.” Rhime is quite impressive. She’s the first African-American woman to create and executive produce a top 10 network series. Also, she runs her own production company, Shondaland. Rhimes has managed to stay at the top of her game, while being a single mother. She just adopted a third daughter.
Apparently, Rhimes plans to tell it like it is: “Simon & Schuster is crazy for giving me a book deal as I am clearly in no position to be handing out wisdom,” said Rhimes in a statement. “But I have made a lot of mistakes as a single mother and as a working mother and as a sleepless mother and as a dating mother. And, I did all of it while running a bunch of TV shows. So, I’m going to write about that and hope my kids don’t use it against me in therapy later.” Sounds like a good read.
The book is scheduled to come out in 2015.