Photo: FLLewis/Media City G -- The ballot processing and counting in the General Municipal Election in the basement of Burbank City Hall April 12, 2011. One of only two media photos of this process on election night.
A lot of developments in the recount drama surrounding the Burbank city council run-off of 2011. First, I think it is important to post here George Marciniw’s personal withdrawal letter from the recount process. The April 21 letter has been debated and probably will continue to produce heated discussion all over B-town for a long time.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Office of the City Clerk Margarita Compos 275 East Olive Avenue Burbank, CA 91502Dear Margarita,
After speaking with Mr. Frutos and per his request, I feel that it would be in everyone’s best interest to cancel my entire request’s per the letter submitted yesterday contesting the City Council Election.
I’d like you to understand that this was never about Mr. Frutos not winning the election. There are many issues inherit with the mail in ballot system that I and many others feel causes the integrity of the process to suffer. In an election this close and only taking into consideration amongst a multitude of processes, I heard there were 139 rejected ballots that were never looked at. This along could have made a difference in the outcome.
The organization “Protect California Ballots” representative Judy Alter would like to pursue the recount using Journalist Fronnie Lewis to take my place if that is acceptable. As I understand the last day to file a protest is five days after the election results were posted which would have been Wednesday, the 20th of April before 1700 hours with the non business days Saturday and Sunday included in the five day count. The validity of that policy is questionable otherwise the cutoff time would be Friday, the 22nd day of April at 1700 hours.
I’d like to Thank You and Susan Domen for your time and efforts assisting me, your expertise and professionalism are greatly appreciated.
George Marciniw