There was an uproar when Hostess filed for bankruptcy last November, ending the production of some our favorite sweets likeTwinkies. Now there’s a good chance those golden sponge cakes with the cream filling, will be back on store shelves in Burbank and elsewhere in a few months. The reason: the successful bid of $410 million offered by private equity firms Apollo Global Management and Metropoulos & Co., according to CNN Money.
Hostess reportedly accepted the bid on Monday, March 11. The purchase involves the company’s snack cakes sold under the Hostess and Dolly Madison names. Also, the bidders got five of the closed Hostess bakeries.
No word if any of the 18, 500 employees who lost their jobs in that bankruptcy — will get rehired. This includes the 25 or so laid-off workers at the now shuttered Wonder/Hostess thrift shop and distribution center on San Fernando Road in Glendale.

Photo: FLLewis/Media City G -- Wonder/Hostess thrift shop and bakery at 6325 San Fernando Road, Glendale November 2012
More on this deal and the sale of other Hostess brands here.