It’s hard to turn away from national politics with the erratic and over the top Donald Trump trying to bully his way into the White House. Especially now that Trump has launched into an all out feud with the Republican establishment. Drama, drama, and more drama! Nevertheless, back here in Burbank, campaigns are quietly gearing up for the battle for three seats on the city council, where very important local issues are decided, such as growth and development in the city.
I have heard rumblings that certain potential candidates are looking to be on the ballot for the Burbank Primary in February. Recently, I personally asked or sent out emails inquiring about the campaign plans of these individuals, along with the three incumbents. First the contenders.
Businessman, Juan Guillen, has made no secret of his intentions to run for city council again. It will be his third time. Also, two other candidates who were unsuccessful in bids for council in 2015 are in the “considering” category. They are real estate broker and Burbank Planning Board chairman, Chris Rizzotti, and Burbank Water and Power Board member, Sharon Springer.
Now, for the present seat holders. Council member, Bob Frutos, is eager for a second term. For months, he has been making efforts to solidify and expand his support base. Frutos was in attendance at last month’s popular senior event, Rock-a-Hula. Frutos is credited with spearheading the drive to take the event from idea to reality in 2014.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Councilman Bob Frutos at Rock-a-Hula event at the Verdugo Pool in Burbank September 15, 2016
Mayor Jess Talamantes was seen working the crowds at Rock-A-Hula 2016 as well. However, the mayor has been the least forthcoming about his election plans. Talamantes was the ONLY one who did not respond to my email inquiry.
Dr. David Gordon, the third incumbent up for re-election, did answer the email. This is what Dr. Gordon said: “To answer your question, yes, at this time I am planning on running for re-election to my seat on the City Council.”
Soon all the city council candidates will have to make their intentions official.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Burbank City Clerk Zizette Mullins on Election Night February 24, 2015
Burbank City Clerk, Zizette Mullins, says the candidates will be able to start pull nomination papers next month: “The nomination period opens on November 7th and closes on December 5th. We will extend it till December 12th if an incumbent does not file.” Is there an incumbent who might bow out of the 2017 election? Well, that just might be case.