I haven’t been out browsing the toy stores lately, but I’ve heard about Elmo Live. Recently, I was driving in Los Angeles street traffic with the radio on. I heard a local deejay rambling about some contest with a prize of an Elmo Live for the winner.
You can always tell what’s hot by the prizes dangled at listerners by radio stations. During the summer, when gas prices were edging up to five bucks a gallon, Southland radio stations came up with all sorts of get free gas contests. Now, this holiday season Elmo Live appears to be the hot item that will get attention.
There’s a lot of talk on the Internet about this toy that apparently thrills adults as well as children. Elmo Live has some of the same mannerisms as Elmo the muppet on the popular children’s TV show, “Sesame Street.” The fuzzy big-eyed toy talks, tells stories, jokes, and plays games. Also, Elmo Live sits, stands, waves his arms, moves his head when he speaks, and even crosses his legs. And most important, Elmo Live is very cute and entertaining when he performs.
Elmo Live doesn’t come cheap. The manufacturer, Fisher- Price, on its website lists Elmo Live at $60 with a limit of six per purchase. Online I’ve spotted Elmo Live advertised for as low as $53. The closer it gets to Christmas and the more depleted the stock, the higher the price will probably go for an Elmo Live.