There has been a rash of break-ins at eateries in Downtown Burbank over the past two weeks. Boba Loca, 148 North San Fernando Boulevard, was burglarized on Friday, February 12. Burbank Police spokesman Sergeant, Claudio Losacco, says “… when the first employee arrived, the front door to the business was found to have been pried open. The cash register and safe had been forced open and cash taken.” Boba Loca is a snack shop featuring, teas, coffee, juices, drinks, sandwiches, salads, and pastries.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — Granville Cafe 121 North San Fernando Blvd. Burbank February 21, 2016
The following week on Saturday, February 20, two restaurants were hit; one just across the street from Boba Loca. Police reportedly responded to a burglary alarm at Granville Cafe, 121 North San Fernando Boulevard, at around 5:20 a.m. In this incident, no apparent evidence of forced entry. “Officers found the back door to the business was open. The cash register had been moved, but it does not appear any money was taken. Some cabinets had been opened and items moved, but it does not appear anything was stolen, ” according to Sgt. Losacco.

Photo: FLLewis / Media City G — The Stage California Fusion Restaurant & Cafe 546 South San Fernando Blvd. Burbank February 24, 2016
A few blocks away, another restaurant was burglarized on the same Saturday. The Stage California Fusion Restaurant & Cafe is at 546 San Fernando Boulevard: “The owner arrived to open the business and found a window was ajar… Cash was the loss in this business burglary,” stated Sgt. Losacco. No word yet, on how much money was stolen at The Stage or at Boba Loca.
At this point, Losacco says “It’s unknown if the same suspect(s) are responsible for these crimes.”