Photo shows boarded up entry after burglary at 1928 Jewelry Boutique Outlet 3412 West Magnolia Blvd. Burbank May 9, 2016 (photo courtesy stringer photographer)
A burglary at 1928 Jewelry Boutique Outlet in Magnolia Park has rattled some nerves especially, among some of the local merchants. The break-in occurred at the fashion jewelry shop 3412 West Magnolia Boulevard last Monday, May 9. It happened “during the overnight/early morning hours,” explained Burbank Police spokesman, Sergeant Claudio Losacco in an email to Media City Groove.
The suspect or suspects reportedly got away with “cash from the register.” A rash of break-ins and burglaries over the past six months or so had some Mag Park residents and merchants on edge. A suspect was arrested last March for a series of burglaries, including some in Mag Park and elsewhere in Burbank. Rumors are flying about this burglary and some merchants are a little jittery about security.
Losacco has some suggestions: “I don’t think merchants have reason to be nervous, however we always want our residents and business owners to be aware these crimes will happen from time to time and sometimes seemingly in bunches. Folks need to protect themselves from being victimized the best they can. For merchants this would include not keeping too much cash in their tills overnight, installing robust safes if appropriate, installing surveillance cameras, watching out for each other and making entry into their shops more difficult or unappealing.
Yes, we have officers patrolling the Magnolia Park area overnight. Our officers actively engage folks who are loitering or otherwise acting suspicious. It’s hard to quantify how effective our mere presence is because a crime that’s averted is difficult to identify.
Any of the merchants who have questions or concerns about overnight burglaries can email (CLosacco@burbankca.gov) or call me directly at (818) 238-3240.”