Friday, March 4, 2011
The two candidates remaining in the Burbank City Council race picked up some important endorsements this week. In last month’s Primary Nominating Election, City Councilman Gary Bric won re-election, Bob Frutos and Emily Gabel-Luddy collected enough votes to move forward to the General Election in a run-off for the one remaining vacant seat on the council. Final Primary Nominating Election […]
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Award-winning journalist/author, Belva Davis, is in the Southland this weekend for a number of meet-and-greet-and-book signing events. As Black History month draws to a close, this is an incredible opportunity to meet a trailblazer, Davis, the first African American female reporter/anchor in the West, who covered some of the most significant news stories of the past few decades while fighting racism and sexism. In […]
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Burbank City Councilman Gary Bric has much to celebrate. Bric easily won re-election in yesterday’s Primary Nominating Election. Here’s the vote count for the two open seats on the city council. Gary Bric — 4, 642 Bob Frutos — 3, 071 Emily Gabel-Luddy — 3, 845 Jackie Waltman — 2, 131 Sadly, only 8, 073 Burbank voters cast their ballots in […]
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The campaigning is over — for now. Today is Election Day — the crucial Primary Nominating Election in Burbank. It’s up to the voters and their ballots to decide the outcome of the campaigns for two seats on the Burbank City Council and three openings on the Burbank Board of Education. In this vote- by-mail election, those who have not mailed their ballots […]
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Next Tuesday is Election Day in Burbank, but there will be no polling places. City Hall staffers sent out a press release yesterday about the Primary Nominating Election. It was a reminder that if you want your vote to count in this election you have to mail it in or drop off your ballot at City Hall or other designated places. Also, the […]
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My name is Janet Diel. As a 31 year Burbank resident, long time member of the Advisory Council on Disabilities and Chair for the Barriers Sub-Committee, I felt it imperative to present my views regarding the lack of sidewalks on 1800-1900 Screenland. For Seniors and Disabled members of our community sidewalks would allow street access to those with walkers, canes, […]
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Burbank Primary Nominating Election is coming up fast. Only two weeks to that February 22 election and there’s a lot at stake for the city and its residents. Most of the attention is focused on the two seats available on the city council and the four candidates campaigning hard for them. On the ballot, City Councilman Gary Bric and three challengers: Emily Gabel-Luddy, Bob Frutos, and […]
Friday, February 4, 2011
The trip dilemma has been hanging in the air since Captain Mark Kelly’s wife, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona) was shot in the head last month. Kelly had to decide whether to stay with his recuperating wife or be the commander of Endeavour’s last flight into space in this spring. “Things fell into place and she improved very fast, so the decision became easier over time,” Kelly said […]
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
It’s not easy being the first to break through social and professional barriers, especially back in the turbulent sixties. Nevertheless, someone has to step up, take the risks, suffer the insults and the rejections, and Belva Davis did that to become the first black female television journalist/anchor in the western United States. Davis tells her incredible story of rising from the projects of Oakland to become an […]
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Leader sues the city of Burbank This is a big weekend for the Burbank Leader. If you check its website — you’ll quickly realize why. Two major developments. The new Sunday edition of the Burbank leader/Glendale News- Press comes out today. The other actually happened last Friday. The lawyers for the Los Angeles Times, the Burbank Leader’s parent company, […]
Thursday, January 27, 2011
President Barack Obama remembered the victims of the Arizona tragedy in his State of the Union address on Tuesday, January 25. After his speech, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greeted John, Roxanna, and 11-year-old Dallas Green. The family of Christina Taylor, the youngest victim of that shooting massacre on January 8, 2011. Christina and five others were killed, when a gunman fired on a […]
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I got an early morning e-mail from my Burbank neighbor, Sam Engel, gushing about last night’s State of the Union Address by President Obama. The economy and jobs were big topics in the president’s speech, but what thrilled Sam and his wife Millie the most is when Obama pointed to a Denver middle school as an example of innovation and educational reform. The […]