Friday, September 17, 2010

President Obama’s hot new children’s book

President Barack Obama has another bestselling book to his credit without going on a promotional tour or doing any of those author interviews. In fact the picture book, “Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters,” doesn’t hit store shelves for another two months, but it’s already a hot seller. President Obama was inspired to write the book by his daughters, […]
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Burbank Police’s strange handling of the booking photos of two suspects

   Two suspects. Both accused of sexually victimizing a child.  The Burbank Police Department chose to release the mug shot of one suspect — while refusing to do so in the second case. Did the BPD apply its policy fairly?  I don’t think so. Here are the details. The male suspect is 35-year-old Manuel Retana. He was arrested last Tuesday, September 7,  and accused of  […]
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering 9-11

President Barack Obama joined  Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, and Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the Pentagon Memorial today. Here is the full text of President Obama’s remarks: Secretary Gates.  Admiral Mullen and members of the Armed Forces.  My fellow Americans.  Most of all, to you — survivors who still carry the scars of tragedy and destruction; […]
Saturday, September 11, 2010

“Rock What You’ve Got”– A celebrity daughter tells it like it is

Another member of the Schwarzenegger family is gearing up for a publicity blitz. Katherine Schwarzenegger is the 20-year-old daughter of Actor/Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and former TV Journalist/Author, Maria Shriver. The USC student is set to go on a promotional tour in the next few weeks for her first book, “Rock What You’ve Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer […]
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Photo Gallery: First Lady Michelle Obama shows some speed

First Lady Michelle Obama really got involved in the launch of a “Let’s Move” event with current and former members of the National Football League in New Orleans yesterday. During an exercise, Mrs. Obama surprised some by taking the pigskin and running with it! Among those showing their support, Ex-NFL Coach Tony Dungy and Former Tennessee Titans Running Back, Eddie George (27).
Monday, September 6, 2010

City Buzz

Burbank Mayor Anja Reinke’s daughter drama The Burbank City Council is dark tomorrow. That should give Council Member/Mayor, Anja Reinke, some extra time to deal with a personal matter that has serious public ramifications. Last Thursday, the popular Semichorus blog was the first to nail down some details on the DUI arrest of Mayor Reinke’s daughter, Ericka Reinke, who happens to be a […]
Sunday, September 5, 2010

President Obama honors the American worker

Yesterday, President Barack Obama’s weekly addressed focused on the  struggles of the American worker and the middle class.  Here is the full text of President Obama’s address: On Monday, we celebrate Labor Day. It’s a chance to get together with family and friends, to throw some food on the grill, and have a good time.  But it’s also a day to […]
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

President Obama declares “… the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.”

 Before speaking to the nation tonight, President Barack Obama flew to Texas to visit the soldiers at Fort Bliss in El Paso. Troops at Fort Bliss have participated in every phase of the seven-and-a-year war in Iraq and continue to service in the new support role. The President went there to say “thank you” from a grateful nation. Later from […]
Friday, August 27, 2010

Photo Gallery: President Obama & some aspiring tennis stars

Catching up on a photo of interest.  The South Lawn of the White House was the scene of a “Let’s Move” tennis clinic on August 3, 2010. President Barack Obama delivered some encouraging words to some possible tennis stars of tomorrow.   Developing a good backhand swing is a bonus  —  getting  kids to exercise and eat healthy are the main goals of First Lady Michelle Obama’s […]
Monday, August 23, 2010

A Burbank parent shares her experience with the system

The new school year is only about a week old , but it already has been an ordeal for some Burbank middle school students and their parents. As I first reported on this blog about a week ago, A Burbank city funded, long-running,  and very successful after school program was axed at David Starr Jordan Middle School, leaving some parents scrambling to find a […]
Sunday, August 22, 2010

City Buzz

A full house at the public forum After all the hoopla, debates, agenda re-writes, and months of delays, the first public forum held by the Burbank Police Commission in recent memory went off with only a few minor glitches. First, additional chairs had to be brought out to accommodate the crowd that showed up last Wednesday night, August 18, in the Community […]
Monday, August 16, 2010

News Bits: President Obama’s visit, Casting for “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” & Box Office numbers

President Obama raises $1 million & snarls traffic in Southland   It happens almost every time a U.S. President visits the Southland. The bad traffic situation gets worse. That’s what occurred today, when President Barack Obama dropped in for one of those high-ticket priced Hollywood -type fundraisers. Obama reportedly raised $1 million dollars for the Democrats and the ire of some Southlanders over the traffic problems […]