Saturday, September 26, 2009
Photo: FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove — Burbank Police Vehicle The legal problems for the city of Burbank and its embattled police department got a whole lot worse this past week. On Tuesday, well-respected Ex-Deputy Police Chief Bill Taylor filed a lawsuit against the city, alleging that he was demoted to captain for drawing attention to several serious incidents in the department, including discrimination […]
Friday, September 18, 2009
Some grim economic news out today from the federal government about the number of Americans out of work. The federal data shows the unemployment rate continues to rise despite reports from some experts that the recovery from this dreaded recession is underway. The California jobless rate rose from 11.9% to a record high of 12.2% in August, according to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics. […]
Friday, September 11, 2009
Photo: FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove — Burbank Burbank officials have hammered residents with new water restrictions, penalties, and higher rates recently. We’re in a water crisis they insist. Well, you’d think if the shortage is as serious as they say, the first order of business would be to make the city as water efficient as possible. There are indications this has not been a high priority or the […]
Monday, September 7, 2009
Photo: FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove — Burbank I have some mixed feelings on this Labor Day. Nationally, unemployment is at a 26-year high of 9.7%. In California, the jobless rate has soared to 11.9%. There is evidence the recession-battered economy is making a slow recovery, an encouraging sign. Still with so many people out of work it’s hard to cheer the upturn […]
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
File Photo: April 2008 Adam Hunger/Reuters One of the most powerful figures in American politics is being remembered today. U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy died last night at the family compound in Hannis Port, Massachusetts at the age of 77 after a valiant battle with brain cancer. Since the assassination of his brothers, President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy in the […]
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Photo: FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove — Burbank City Hall Now that the Burbank City Council has filled the vacant seat on the police commission, hopefully, that body can move forward with a busy agenda. Last night, real estate consultant and long time Burbank business owner, Raymond Gerald Adams, was the top vote getter out of a field of six contenders. Adams received […]
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Photo: Chuck Kennedy/White House A special ceremony at the White House last night honored 16 super achievers with the nation’s highest civilian award, the Medal of Freedom. In the photo above, former President of Ireland Mary Robinson congratulates fellow medal recipient, Actor Sidney Poitier. The other medal winners included Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, Scientist Stephen Hawking, Tennis Star Billie Jean King, Entertainer Chita Rivera, […]
Monday, August 10, 2009
The debate over the pros and cons of health insurance reform is seriously heating up. In an effort to get its message out about what it considers the “stability and security” of health insurance reform, the White House launched a new online resource today The Obama administration is encouraging the public to visit “Reality Check” to find out what is really in health insurance […]
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Photo: Jim Young/Reuters It’s official. Judge Sonia Sotomayor is now an associate justice of the 220-year-old U.S. Supreme Court. Sotomayor went through two swearing-in ceremonies this morning, one private and one public, at the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath. After the public ceremony, Sotomayor is shown in the photo above being congratulated by Chief Justice Roberts while her […]
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Photo: Jason Reed/Reuters Judgment Day turned into a shining moment for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. Today Judge Sotomayor won confirmation from the U.S. Senate on a sweeping 68-31 vote. Nine Republicans joined Democrats in voting for the 55-year-old federal appeals court judge. Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic and only the third female to sit on the nation’s highest court. Republican opponents insisted Sotomayor was […]
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Photo: Irfan Khan/ Los Angeles Times Two California journalists, newly freed from North Korea, shared an emotional reunion with family and friends at the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank this morning. After months of negotiations, Former President Bill Clinton was able to fly to North Korea yesterday and secure the release of 36-year-old Euna Lee and 32-year-old Laura Ling. In the photo […]
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Photo: Pete Souza/White House The photo above is from The White House blog and it shows President Barack Obama leading the way to the rose garden for the so-called beer summit last Thursday. Behind the president, Cambridge, Massachusetts Police Sergeant James Crowley helps Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. navigate the White House steps. A polite gesture that says a lot about how […]