Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A website dedicated to First Lady Michelle Obama’s fashion and style is offering a special deal this week. The website is totally into the new First Lady, offering frequent postings of great photos and articles. Photo from: The site raves about a look from the presidential debates last year, when Mrs. Obama added decorative brooches to a string of pearls. The website is […]
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Photo from: Today President Barack Obama vowed to take “the air out of golden parachutes” with new rules governing financial compensation for top executives at companies taking federal bailout money. The President said: “As part of the reforms we’re announcing today, top executives at firms receiving extraordinary help from U.S. taxpayers will have their compensation capped at $500,000 — […]
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
President Barack Obama’s administration today got hit with two tough political blows. Two Obama nominees, Former Senator Tom Daschle and consulting executive Nancy Killefer, both withdrew their names for top positions because of tax blunders. Daschle stepping aside was the most damaging to the fledgling Obama administration. Daschle was nominated to be head of the Health and Human Services Department. Daschle had […]
Monday, February 2, 2009
Photo from: I got one. An e-mail from President Barack Obama today. No, I am not on that ultra-top secret list of folks with the president’s e-mail address to his new Blackberry-like device. Also, I am not the only one who got this e-mail from the president today. President Obama sent out tons of e-mails to supporters urging them […]
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Photo from Today, less than two weeks into his administration President Barack Obama signed his first bill into law and it’s a groundbreaker. President Obama put his signature on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act of 2009. Among the supporters at the signing ceremony, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Lilly Ledbetter. Ledbetter worked 19 […]
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Late today, the House of Representatives passed President Barack Obama’s $819 billion economic stimulus plan aimed at creating jobs and providing tax cuts to individuals and businesses. The vote was 244-to-188. Despite the president’s efforts over the past few days to rally support among Republicans, not one voted for the plan. Only 18 Democrats voted against it. The president is trying […]
Monday, January 26, 2009
FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove Legendary singer/songwriter Aretha Franklin belted out “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” at the swearing-in ceremony for President Barack Obama, last Tuesday January 20. Franklin is known for her over-the-top outfits that some feel are not always, ah, flattering. Well, the “Queen of Soul’s” inauguration outfit won her a multitude of praise, especially, that fabulous hat. I loved it! […]
Sunday, January 25, 2009
FLLewis/A Writer’s Groove Michelle Obama turned heads at the inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2009. The new First Lady, Michelle Obama, really showcased her modern sophisticated style during inauguration week. Mrs. Obama got high marks from many fashion observers including Vogue editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour, in an article on the high fashion magazine’s website. I’m not an expert, but I thought Michelle was “styling” all week long. My […]
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Photo from In his first radio and Internet weekly address, President Barack Obama today called for bold and swift action to shore-up our shaky economy. The president is pushing for the passage of his American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan by Congress, which he said will “jumpstart” the economy. “It’s a plan that will save or create three to four million […]
Thursday, January 22, 2009
President Barack Obama delivered on more campaign promises today. At the White House, the president signed three executive orders: one to close the controversial U.S. run prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and two others banning torture and setting up a task force to oversee these changes. These swift decisions are a clear break with the Bush administration and send a message to the world. President Obama says: “This […]
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Today Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office to President Obama for a second time. Millions of people on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., across the country, and around the world cheered after the swearing-in yesterday of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. It probably did not matter to most of them […]
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
President Obama meets with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in the Oval Office. The parties and celebrations of the historic inauguration of the 44th president are over. (Technical problems on my site blocked me from blogging yesterday. Some of the glitches are still being worked out.) Meanwhile today, President Barack Obama got down to the business of running […]