This hands free phone sign reminder for drivers may have caused some double takes. The sign near the border of Glendale and Burbank, on San Fernando Road at Spazier Avenue, had a misspelling in the first word the first time I spotted it. Check out the photo at the top taken the week of June 23.
I took more snapshots of the same sign around July 8. It appears that later the second “h” in the first word had been changed to an “n.” Oh well, from what I can tell drivers are getting the correct message no matter what this sign says.
While out driving locally, I have noticed more motorists wearing headphone devices. The hands free cell phone law went into effect in California, two weeks ago today. Leading up to July first, there were numerous reports about how the law was really not going to improve the driving skills of motorists who still can be distracted by a phone conversation or other things.
That may be true, but recently I have seen far more drivers than usual with both hands on the wheel. I believe that minor little change will probably save some lives and make the roads safer for all of us.