Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Progress is being made in that bitter parking dispute among some merchants on Magnolia Boulevard in the Magnolia Park area of Burbank. The two-hour parking signs were replaced by one-hour signs on the north side of the 3400 block of Magnolia last Friday. When I dropped by the block the day after, Burbank Antiques owner, Ralph Persinger, told me visitors are […]
Monday, October 13, 2014
Columbus Day is a holiday for some, but not all. Some of the folks enjoying a holiday are those who work for city, county, federal offices, libraries and Superior Courts. This means the U.S. Postal Service is closed with some pick-ups of mail, but no regular deliveries today. However, most state offices, including the Department of Motor Vehicles, are open. […]
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Kmart is the latest retailer to be attacked by hackers. The disclosure was made on October 9 “… our Kmart store payment data systems were infected with a form of malware that was undetectable by current anti-virus systems. We were able to quickly remove the malware. However, we believe certain debit and credit card numbers have been compromised, ” according […]
Friday, October 3, 2014
California has become the first in the nation to have a statewide ban against single-use plastic bags. However, the battle over the issue is not over yet. Governor Jerry Brown signed the controversial law last Tuesday. It prohibits grocery stores and pharmacies from distributing single-use plastic bags after July 2015 and expands to include convenience stores and liquor stores the next […]
Thursday, October 2, 2014
The new Magnolia Park parking lot is attracting business. This morning before 11 a.m., I checked the lot and between 15-24 vehicles were parked there A number of spaces were vacant, too. After numerous delays, the lot between Maple and Kenwood Streets on Magnolia Boulevard, opened the middle of last month. The new public lot will ease the street parking […]
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Here’s an excuse or reason, depending on your perspective, to grab a slice of pizza as many times as you can this month. October is officially National Pizza Month in the U.S. The website pizza.com has some interesting facts about this pie. The site claims 94% of Americans eat pizza at least once a month. There are reportedly more than 60,000 […]
Friday, September 26, 2014
“Ladies Night Out” in Burbank’s Magnolia Park tonight and the theme is “Superhero September.” Come as your favorite super hero and enter the contest at the UME Credit Union at 3000 West Magnolia Boulevard. Also, they’re going to be honoring the charity superheroes — groups and organizations that help others and give back to the community. Many of the […]
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
The Home Depot hacker attack is turning into a really bad nightmare for the nation’s largest home improvement retailer and many of its customers. Reports are circulating on the Internet about thieves using credit card information stolen from Home Depot to “… buy prepaid cards, electronics and even groceries,” according to MoneyWatch. Also, some of the stolen cards reportedly have been […]
Monday, September 22, 2014
A lot of eateries in Burbank have sandwiches on their menus. Nevertheless, if you want a sandwich that’s filling, flavorful, and at a reasonable price, the Backstage Cafe is the place to go. The little shop is anchored on the corner of the First Entertainment Credit Union and IATSE Local 80 building 2520 West Olive Avenue in the Media District. […]
Friday, September 19, 2014
A lot cheering going on in the state’s entertainment industry today, after Governor Brown signed into law that landmark tax film credit bill. The governor signed Assembly Bill 1839, yesterday in Hollywood surrounded by legislative representatives and dozens of film and television workers, according to a posting on the official ca.gov website. The bill will expand California’s existing $100 million […]
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Christmas is coming and so are those holiday movies. The poster for Disney’s “Into the Woods” is out. This is the first poster for the Stephen Sondheim musical, according to The Disney Blog. Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep is pictured on the poster as “The Witch.” Also starring in the film, Emily Blunt, Chris Pine, and Johnny Depp. The musical intertwines some of […]
Monday, September 15, 2014
In a surprise move, Time Warner Cable announced today it has an agreement to for the last six games of the Dodgers’ regular season to be televised on Los Angeles station KDOC. For most of the season, Dodger fans have been hating on Time Warner Cable for not allowing the team’s home games to be carried on a local station. Time […]